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The Wilkinson's Unedited

Disclaimer: This is a truly made up story…if anything seems relative to real life it is just a coincidence. This story is just for fun so don't take any of it seriously. Thank you!

Chapter 11: Hanson

The Hanson concert was finally here. Amanda, Michelle, Tracey, Kiaya, and Danielle were just pulling into the Toronto Center.

"I can't believe I'm finally going to meet Taylor!!! And hang out with him none the less! Thank you soooooo much Amanda!" Michelle cries

"Sure, no problem. Just keep Ike away from me!" Amanda replies

"Why?" Danielle asks with a curious stare

"He seems to have this crush on me, and as you guys know I'm perfectly happy with Brian." Amanda replies with a smile

"What does he know about Brian?" Tracey asks from the seat next to her

"Nothing actually...I didn't even know he had a crush on me so I didn't figure I needed to tell him." Amanda replies timidly

"Whoa Amanda's in trouble!" Kiaya pipes up

"No, I'm just going to have to talk to Ike. Poor guy." Amanda replies

"Yeah, poor guy. Well don't look at me, I don't like him in that way! I like Taylor!" Michelle states as everyone starts laughing and going "We know we know."

Just then the gang enters the venue amidst all the thousands of other teenage girls and heads to their front row seats, all of them spazzing at how close they are except Amanda who's deep in thought. The lights dim and the screaming goes deafening as the 3 blonde heartthrobs run onstage and start singing "Gimme Some Lovin'".

"Hello Toronto! And welcome to the This Time Around tour. We'd like to say hello to some friends out in the audience and their guests and enjoy the show." Taylor speaks into the microphone looking at Amanda and crew and Michelle feels like she's going to faint as he smiles at her.

Hanson breaks into "This Time Around" "If Only" "Magic Carpet Ride" and other hits and covers and the girls find themselves really getting into the show. Michelle has gotten over her shyness and keeps making eye contact with Taylor, oblivious to all the other screaming girls. They launch into "I Want You To Want Me" and Zac comes up to the front of the stage to sing lead, everyone screaming. Halfway into the song he jumps off the stage and hands his drumsticks to a shocked Danielle before he leaps back onstage.

"OMG! I got Zac's drumsticks!" Danielle squeals as Kiaya and her hug each other in excitement

The girls can hardly believe it as the band starts singing In the City and takes their bows. But it's not over yet. Now it's time to go backstage and everyone but Kiaya and Amanda is nervous as they make their way to the backstage doors. Walking in they are greeted by the 3 blonde brothers themselves and Tracey grabs Michelle for fear her friend is going to faint.

"Amanda!!!!!" Zac yells rushing toward her to give her a great big bear hug

"Hey Zac! Hey guys, you remember Kiaya. And these are my friends Tracey and Michelle and Kiaya's friend Danielle." Amanda replies

"Hi." everyone shyly says as they shake hands

"I saw you at the show. You looked like you were really enjoying yourself." Taylor spoke directly to Michelle

"Uh..." Michelle stutters

"She's kind of shy. She's a huge fan and it's been a dream of hers and mine to meet you guys." Tracey pipes up coming to her rescue

"Well it's nice to meet you all too." Taylor replies with a smile and soon everyone is relaxed as the gang chats on about music and other stuff. Michelle has gotten over her shyness once again and is having a quite animated conversation with Taylor as Tracey, Kiaya, and Danielle are laughing over some of Zac's crazy antics, leaving Amanda alone with Ike.

"Hey." Ike says with a smile and puts his arm around Amanda

"Um we have to talk." Amanda says pulling away from his arm

"What's wrong?" Ike asks with a frown

"Ike...I'm getting the impression that you have a crush on me." Amanda rushes on "And well I have a boyfriend, Brian whom I'm very happy with. I didn't think I had to tell you because I didn't think you liked me in that way and I'm sorry."

"No...I'm sorry. I had no idea." Ike replies faking a smile

Just then Mr. Hanson walks in and says hello to the girls, saying how nice it is to see Amanda and Kiaya again and tells the boys that they have to get going to their next gig. Everyone says their goodbyes and the girls head on home chattering about the concert all the way.

Go on to Chapter 12