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The Wilkinson's Unedited

Disclaimer: This is a truly made up story…if anything seems relative to real life it is just a coincidence. This story is just for fun so don't take any of it seriously. Thank you!

Chapter 21: Plans

It's a week before the cruise and Tracey, Michelle, Jessica, Mel, Lauren, Brian and Danielle are hanging out at Lauren's house talking.

Jessica: Can you believe the cruise is only a week away?

Mel: I know, it's going to be so cool!

Brian: A whole week with Amanda on a boat, what could be better? *grins*

Lauren: Gee I dunno! *teases* How about some cute guys?

Michelle: Hey yeah I'm all for that!

Jessica: Me too!

Mel: Tall dark and handsome.

Lauren: Yeah...we can check out the guys while we work on our tans.

Danielle: And swim!

Brian: Amanda looks cute in a swimsuit.

Mel: You think Amanda looks cute in everything!

Brian: That's because she does!

Lauren: Trace, how come you're so quiet? I'd think you'd be bouncing off the walls about this trip.

Danielle: Yeah aren't you excited?

Tracey: Yeah I am...just thinking.

Michelle: About Tyler?

Tracey: Yeah. He im'd me last nite...

Mel: Really what's up with him?

Tracey: Crystal and him broke up...

Lauren: What happened?!

Tracey: I guess she likes some guy at her school...and didn't want a long distance relationship.

Michelle: Man, that's rough...

Jessica: Yeah...

Lauren: Well now you can go for him!

Tracey: Yeah right...*sighs* Can we change the subject?

Danielle: Sure, what clothes is everyone bringing?

Mel: OMG I have no idea, I think we should go shopping I need a new bathing suit.

Jessica: Me too! Hey did you guys hear there's a big dance at the end of the week?

Michelle: Oh no you mean I have to find a dress now?

Lauren: Yep!

Mel: Well that settles it, lets go shopping.

Tracey: Alright...maybe that'll take my mind off things.

Jessica: Works for me!

*and with that the girls head out the door to the mall*