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The Wilkinson's Unedited

Disclaimer: This is a truly made up story…if anything seems relative to real life it is just a coincidence. This story is just for fun so don't take any of it seriously. Thank you!

Chapter 22: Arrivals

It's 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, the day before the quiz and Tyler and Steve are at the airport waiting for flight 734 to arrive.

Tyler: I hope I recognize him.

Steve: If not I'm sure he'll recognize us.

Tyler: Oh yeah oops.

Attendant: Flight 734 has just landed. Passengers will be coming out shortly.

A few minutes later people start trickling out.

Tyler: Man there's a lot of people on that flight.

Steve: *notices a guy in a red shirt that looks about Tyler's age* Hey is that him?

Tyler: Looks like it!

*Just then the kid spots them, waves, and starts walking over*

Tyler: Yeah it is!

Kyle: Hi, I'm Kyle.

Tyler: Hey!

Steve: Hey Kyle, nice to meet you. Did you have a nice trip?

Kyle: Yeah it was alright...thanks for having me.

Steve: No problem. Do you have any luggage we need to get?

Kyle: Yeah it's supposed to be at 36.

Steve: Alright lets go.

*The three walk off talking about the cruise, Ontario, and other things.*

A few hours later...

Tracey, Michelle, and their parents are at a nearby resteraunt where they're supposed to meet Vanessa and her parents.

Tracey: This is going to be so cool! I can't believe I finally get to meet Vanessa!

Michelle: I wonder what she'll be like...

Tracey's mom: I'm sure she'll be a nice girl.

Tracey's dad: Lets see that pic of her again. *Tracey hands pic over and he looks at it*

A few minutes later a teenage girl walks in with 2 adults and Michelle spots her.

Michelle: Is that her?

Tracey: Yeah I think it is!

Tracey's dad: Well go see.

Tracey: No way not by myself!

Tracey's mom: C'mon. *all 4 of them walk over*

Tracey's dad: Are you Vanessa?

Vanessa: Yeah...and these are my parents.

*introductions are made and the group is seated at a table to eat*

Tracey: So Vanessa are you excited for the cruise tomorrow?

Vanessa: Heck yeah! I can't wait!

Tracey: Me either!

Vanessa: Gee I wonder why *Grins* Have you seen him today?

Tracey: Nope. They had to go to the airport to pick up Kyle. But I'll probably hear from one of them tonite. Final details and all.

Vanessa: That's cool.

Tracey: Yep.