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The Wilkinson's Unedited

Disclaimer: This is a truly made up story…if anything seems relative to real life it is just a coincidence. This story is just for fun so don't take any of it seriously. Thank you!

Chapter 23: Final Plans

It's 9 o'clock that evening and everyone is getting ready for the big trip. In the Wilkinson house Amanda and Kiaya are trying to decide which clothes they can leave home, while Tyler is playing Playstation and Chris and Steve are finishing their own packing and talking.

Kiaya: Amanda why do you have 4 pairs of shoes packed?

Amanda: Because these sandals are for walking around on the beach, the tennis shoes are for sports, these dress shoes are for the dance Friday nite, and these other sandals are just because.

Kiaya: *shakes head*

Amanda: And why do you have so many shirts packed?

Kiaya: Because I don't know what to wear...if it's cooler I'll need the short sleeve tops and if it's really warm I'll need the tank tops and if I go somewhere nice this...

Amanda: Ok then.


Chris: It will be great getting back to the Caymans again.

Steve: Yeah it will. Scuba diving, fishing, just plain relaxing.

Chris: Yeah I'm glad David and Sara are able to come, we haven't hung out with them in awhile.

Steve: Yeah and the kids and all their friends will have fun.

Chris: Yeah. *smiles and resumes packing*


Back at Tracey's house her and Michelle are packing.

Tracey: Michelle! Help!

Michelle: What?

Tracey: I can't decide which of these shirts to bring.

Michelle: *looks them over* I like those 2 tank tops.

Tracey: Are you sure? Do they look good on me?

Michelle: Yeah they look fine.

Tracey: But do they match the shorts I have?

Michelle: They'll be fine. What are you so worried about? Oh yeah Tyler...Tracey whatever you wear will be fine.

Tracey: Okay I guess I'll take these.

*Phone rings*

Michelle: Hello?

Lauren: Hey Michelle! All packed and ready to go?

Michelle: Just about. Tracey's freaking out about clothes.

Lauren: *laughs* Yeah I figured! Does she need some advice?

Michelle: On the clothes? No she finally decided with my help.

Lauren: Oh good! So did you guys meet Vanessa?

Michelle: Yep.

Lauren: What's she like?

Michelle: She's pretty cool.

Lauren: That's good. Well mom wants me to finish packing so I'll see you tomorrow!

Michelle: Bye!

Lauren: Bye!