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2002 Course Schedule

1st Semester

English 101 - concert reviews
Photography - concert pix & more
Choir - lyrics
Computer - links
History - how it all began
Study Hall - help the Wilkinsons

2nd Semester

Newspaper - breaking news
Speech - quotes
Video Production - tv appearances
Modern Art - graphics
Band - bios
Geography - tour dates

Around the Building

Morning Announcements - updates
Lunchroom - talk to other fans
Your Locker - email pals
Principal's Office - about me
Library - magazine articles
Trophy Case - awards
Bulletin Board - trading post
Field Trip - concert info
The Yearbook - fan pix






















































Grand Ole Opry Chat Transcript

(If any of you are wondering I'm shy_sweetie17)

opry_host: The Wilkinsons have just joined the chat room so sit back and enjoy this chat.
opry_host: Steve, Amanda and Tyler are here.
thong_girl69_2002 asks: Tyler, How does it feel to almost have your license?
opry_guest: Tyler: It's pretty cool!
opry_guest: I just don't get much time to drive
opry_guest: Dad and sister say "Be very afraid!"
shy_sweetie17 asks: Amanda & Tyler- Do you think you'll ever play any instruments? - Tracey in MN
opry_guest: Yes
opry_guest: Tyler - I'll probably play a whole bunch of them
opry_guest: guitar right now
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons what do you all do in your free time?
opry_guest: Go to yard sales
opry_guest: Amanda bought 2 horses yesterday at a yard sale
opry_guest: Amanda - I know how to pick them!
shy_sweetie17 asks: Congratulations on all the CCMA's! You guys totally deserved them, what was going thru your mind when you won fans choice? - Tracey in MN
opry_guest: Steve: I just kept thinking that it was a fan voted (phoned in votes)
opry_guest: and to have made that kind of impression on our fans in Canada
opry_guest: it just really touched all of us
opry_guest: Amanda couldn't even speak at the awards
bryanwfan asks: Hi Amanda, Steve & Tyler. If you could each choose one singer to record a duet with who would it be? opry_guest: Steve: Um...Dolly
opry_guest: I just love being around her
opry_guest: Amanda: I think my favorite is probably....George Strait is pretty cool
opry_guest: He could sing the phone book and it would sound great
opry_guest: Tyler: Emmylou Harris!
opry_guest: Amanda: She's probably one of the coolest ladies that I've ever been around
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons what has been the highlight of your careerr this year so far?
opry_guest: Steve: There have been too many to nail it down to one
wilkinsonvillagemichelle asks: What songs are you going to be singing at the Opry tonight?
opry_guest: Amanda: Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend
opry_guest: of course
opry_guest: Steve: And if everything goes well, we'll be singing a Mack MacAnnally song, called Back Where I Come From
opry_guest: Amanda: He's such a cool guy!
thong_girl69_2002 asks: I was woundering if The Wilkinsons need a back up singer?
opry_guest: Steve: It would upset our youngest, Kiya, if we invited someone else in before her.
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons whats it like performing together as a family?
opry_guest: Amanda: "Horrible" (laughs)
opry_guest: We have a lot of fun together
opry_guest: ...of course...we get on each other's nerves, most families
opry_guest: but that's normal
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons who are your influences?
opry_guest: Steve: Everyone from Hank Williiams Sr., to the Everly Brothers, to
opry_guest: the Eagles
opry_guest: to Sons of the Pioneers
opry_guest: Amanda: We got a lot of influences passed down from Dad
opry_guest: but I guess two of the biggest influences to me...
opry_guest: personally, opry_guest: are Dolly Parton and Bonnie Rait
opry_guest: Tyler:
opry_guest: ....
opry_guest: Probably Vince Gill, Bryan White and George Strait
wilkinsonvillagemichelle asks: Can you fill us in about the mermaid in the Caymens?
opry_guest: Amanda: We're going to the Cayman's in October
opry_guest: to do a benefit opry_guest: and while we're there,
opry_guest: we're involved in the ceremony to set and dedicate
opry_guest: a 9-foot mermaid down in the water with Jean Michel Cousteau
Barnstormer_64 asks: Steve, you've said that you will only continue performing if you're having fun. What can we, as fans, do to make sure you stay happy? Because we want you to keep singing for us.
opry_guest: Steve: Scream and yell as much as possible (laughs)
opry_guest: Amanda: I guess...Just enjoy our music.
opry_guest: We always have fun. So if you're having fun, we will too
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons are you going to make a christmas cd?
opry_guest: Steve: No plans in the near future for that
opry_guest: But we'll let you know
wilkinsonvillagemichelle asks: My friend wants to know if Amanda and Tyler would ever date a fan and what qualities they'd look for?
opry_guest: Amanda: You never know...we're still really young
opry_guest: I guess just be yourself
wolfie_pbwf asks: I was able to see you guys perform in Walkerton, ON for the Watershed Festival. You guys were great! What I'd like to know is.. how hot was it on stage!??!
opry_guest: Tyler: I don't know? It really all depends
opry_guest: Steve: It was like performing in a sauna
opry_guest: We were performing in a room of 6,000 that was meant to hold about 3,000
opry_guest: Amanda: Hot Hot Hot!
cmt_99_1999 asks: how can I find out where the Wilkinsons will be touring at next?
opry_guest: To get our tour schedule....
opry_guest: But don't do it right now
wilkinsonvillagemichelle asks: Who's the coolest person you've gotten to meet
opry_guest: Tyler: Dolly Parton (said with great enthusiasm!)
opry_guest: Amanda: Garth
opry_guest: Steve: George Strait
opry_guest: He's quite and the chicks love him!
wrightcrew asks: Hi, Steve, Tyler and Amanda! What does performing on the Opry mean to you? See you guys tomorrow night at the AL show...
opry_guest: It's really important for us to perform here
opry_guest: The Opry is the foundation of country music and has been for 75 years opry_guest: and for every country singer...this is what you dream of
opry_guest: Amanda: I feel privileged that they want us to be a part of something like this
danaluvsls asks: Tyler and Amanda, do u feel that becoming famous has made u grow up faster than u wanted to? opry_guest: Tyler: For some people who are young and in the business it makes them grow up too quick
opry_guest: but for us, we know it's important to stay grounded
netridermi asks: Steve, are the kids any harder to control now than a few years ago with the fame?
opry_guest: Steve: No, they're not
bryantylersgirl asks: Hey Wilkinsons...what's it like to travel so much on the road?
opry_guest: Amanda: We love it
opry_guest: We're fortunate to see everything that we have over the past 5 years
wolfie_pbwf asks: How is Kiaya doing with her mandolin?
opry_guest: She's doing great!
opry_guest: She travels on the bus with us and she practices a lot
starcowboylb asks: Amanda: Are you going to college?
opry_guest: Amanda: I'm planning on year
opry_guest: Belmont Univ. in Nashville
cheerleader1999_2003 asks: When are you guy's starting on you next ablum?
opry_guest: End of October opry_guest: so we'll probably have a single out by around Feb. 1st
crookandchasefan asks: Whats the strangest thing that has happened on the road yet?
opry_guest: Tyler got hit in the head with a bra...thrown on stage
opry_guest: Laughs
cmt_99_1999 asks: what advice would you give to someone who was wanting to start out in the country music business?
opry_guest: Sing every chance that you get opry_guest: you never know who's in the audience
opry_guest: that's how we got record deal with Giant
jet_blackninja asks: if you could perform with pop star who would it be?
opry_guest: Tyler: Celine Dion
opry_guest: Amanda: Paul McCartney
opry_guest: Steve: 98 Degrees
opry_guest: I'm sorrry the harmonies are dancing though
bacon82002001 asks: tyler so what is your most imbrassing moment?
opry_guest: Tyler: The bra!
opry_host: The Wilkinsons need to leave to sing on the Opry.
opry_guest: Amanda: We always enjoy the chats that we've participated in
opry_guest: especially the Opry chats
opry_guest: Thanks for your continued support!
opry_host: Thanks to the Wilkinsons.
opry_guest: Steve: Cool - Hey Todd!