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2002 Course Schedule

1st Semester

English 101 - concert reviews
Photography - concert pix & more
Choir - lyrics
Computer - links
History - how it all began
Study Hall - help the Wilkinsons

2nd Semester

Newspaper - breaking news
Speech - quotes
Video Production - tv appearances
Modern Art - graphics
Band - bios
Geography - tour dates

Around the Building

Morning Announcements - updates
Lunchroom - talk to other fans
Your Locker - email pals
Principal's Office - about me
Library - magazine articles
Trophy Case - awards
Bulletin Board - trading post
Field Trip - concert info
The Yearbook - fan pix




The Wilkinson's
Marshall, Minnesota
August 13, 2000

by Tracey

The concert… Got to our seats (5th row) and watched the 2 opening acts (no need to mention any more they weren't good LOL). Then, at about 7:30 the Wilkinson's came on and people cheered but not loud at all, it was such a small crowd I felt bad…Tyler seemed to recognize me so I was pretty happy! Anyways the Wilkinson's sang all the usual songs off their 2 albums, and "Somewhere Before", "One of These Days", "Down China Road" (or something), and one new one at the very end (I don't remember a name, it wasn't "Not Today" and it wasn't "Outside Providence". Maybe it was "Oil and Water?") I managed to take 3 rolls of film, a few pics from front row (during the show girls kept going up and sitting in the center aisle first few rows to take pics but I didn't wanna look totally obvious so I didn't, now I wish I would have. Oh well, I got some good pics anyhow and had a blast!

At Shame on Me when everyone got up, me and Danielle ran up to front row and stood in the center aisle (great spots!). As Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend ended, everyone started cheering but we stayed put cuz we knew…they'd be back. And sure enough, out they came and sang "One of These Days" and a few other songs (LOL sorry I can't remember much, I do remember giving Tyler a letter though).

Fan Club Meet and Greet… I got up to Amanda and she smiled at me and started to take the picture and then hadda give it back cuz some fan had forgotten to get their pic with them…then she took it back and signed it and I gave her Brian's message and asked her about graduation…she said it was fun. Then Tyler almost signed the pic of Amanda, until we stopped him. After that I got a pic taken with them and talked to Tyler and Steve a minute.

Next, my friend Danielle goes up (Tyler almost signed Amanda's pic here too cuz he wasn't paying attention) and almost forgets to show them the poster and says something about it to me and Steve overhears and asks if we had something else and I was like "Yeah the poster." And Tyler looks over…so we showed them our poster (that we didn't get a pic of :*( took us 3 hours too ummm if it wasn't rushed we coulda gotten one). I told them right away that they could keep it and Amanda was like "Awww I really like this." And Steve was like "They even have a quote from Somewhere Before" (and he's shocked? LOL this is me we're talkin' bout!) and then there's Tyler…who's staring at some song quote I'd written on there not saying a word…hmm wonder which quote it was.

Public signing… We're the last one's in line, YES! Got up to DT and asked if he remembered me and he said yeah, you could really tell he did dunno if that's good or bad that he remembers me LOL! Got up to Amanda and told her I was going to be going to Canada to see them (St. Catharine's), she said that was cool…then Tyler overheard and started asking me questions about that. Then I hugged him and left.

Chit-Chattin' with Chris & Kiaya

Asked Kiaya if she had a fun birthday and she said "yeah" and then I asked what she did and she was like "Well we were in…(thinks for a long time) Chippewa Falls." And I was like "Yeah we were there." (poor girl, I don't think they did anything for it or not much…) Then, a fair lady tells Chris that these are the girls that traveled 4 and a half hours…and Chris takes one look at me and goes "I know you!" and reaches out her arms to hug me and says "How are you?!" and I was like "good" and then I said I was going to Canada and she thought that was really cool and asked which one and all that…and how far it was and I said 16 hours and she was like "You're driving 16 hours?! And I was like "No, I'm flying." And she was all asking where we were from that we've been to all these concerts and my aunt told her Minneapolis. Next, I told her about my newsletter and she was really interested, and my mom suggested giving her a card for it so I did and asked if she wanted the web address too and she did, so I wrote that down for her and she said she'd have to check it out…(I gave both the Word and Wilkinson High, that good Vanessa and Michelle?) She told us it was nice seeing us again too and we yelled Bye Kiaya and she yelled Bye (I felt so bad, people weren't really talking to her cept this fair lady to ask her name and how to spell it LOL).