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The Wilkinson's, Yankee Grey, and Mark Wills
Spirit Lake Casino, Devils Lake North Dakota
Fri. Jan. 19th and Sat. Jan. 20th

Friday started off very early, just a few minutes before 6 am. Danielle called maybe 15 minutes later saying they were on there 7 we were packed up and headed on our way to North Dakota. We had to run back to DAnielle's cuz someone forgot her membership card (and then DT never even asked for it he said we were okay). After 7 and a half almost 8 hours of being in the car we finally arrived at the casino (missed it the first time cuz there were no signs or anything).

We got our tickets, checked in to our hotel room and went down to the venue at about 3... Seeing nobody there yet we were psyched! We asked when we could start lining up and this dude led us into the venue where Amanda was sitting on the stage and talked to some guy...then we had to go back out but we were allowed to stand in the doorway and watch soundcheck! That was cool! Amanda walked out and was talking on a phone so we didn't bother her. During the last song some lady shut the door (okay like 4 people told us we could stay there, anyways).

After that we just stood around the door and a few teenage gurls showed up that were there for I think Mark Wills Yankee Grey and Wilks or 2 of those I dun remember...and some lady came but other than that no one else came till a lot later. Okay like all day Yankee Grey, the Wilkinson's, DT and various other people that worked for the Wilks and YG kept walking by and stuff so that was cool...and once I went up to the room for something and the elevator came back down and stopped at first level and opened and there were Tyler and Steve waiting to get on...Steve was talking so I don't think he saw me but Tyler might have cuz he moved over so I could pass...anywho I kinda walked by and after I got behind them speed walked over to Danielle who was laughing cuz she thought it was really funny (LOL now I think it was, I didn't then) and once I rode up again...and it stopped and who walks in but DT so that was pretty cool...he was like "Hey there!" (yeah he knows me by now) I asked if they were going to be singing any new songs that nite or just the hits (cuz they only got a half hour) and he said they'd sing a few new one's too so I was pretty happy about that!

Then later I was going up for something else...and I accidentally went to the wrong floor so I had to get in from that floor and when the door opened I saw a few ladies and Steve Wilkinson inside and walked in...asked Steve if Chris and Kiaya were there and he said no, they were at home with the puppy cuz he isn't old enough to be left alone (awwww). I was like "awww I haven't seen them since August" and he was like yeah they stayed home to watch the puppy (or something like that). After he left this lady asked me what I was there for and I said "a concert, that was one of them" and she said "Well he said he was from Nashville and I figured he wouldn't come down here for nothing". HEHE the ladies didn't even know who he was!

At 7 the doors opened and we were first in line so they took our tickets and we originally were walking and then the gurls behind us started running so we ran and snagged front row in between Tyler and Amanda's mikes! I remember the doors had opened and the place was hardly filled but everyone showed up like half hour, 15 minutes before the show then it was almost filled :) I forced myself to eat something cuz I wasn't feeling good at all, but there was NO way I was going to miss Wilkinson's so I got some 7-up and a hot dog and cheezits and took some aspirin, and luckily by the time the Wilkinson's came on I was feeling better :)

I had been emailing back and forth with this guy that worked there, Harlan who was the when he came onstage we were all excited! LOL! He announced Yankee Grey and we watched them...Lyle was pretty cute, I kept seeing him all day but didn't realize till someone took a pic with him who it was (hey I wasn't a YG fan what can I say). Their fam was there and it was cool cuz we saw them and they were showing some little kids the soundcheck and their bus...ANYWHO after YG there was an intermission.

Then he came back and announced the Wilkinson's!!! It was funny cuz he started talking about how he'd never gotten so much email about any group and how he'd told Tyler he had a few friends here (laughs uh was he talking about us Danielle?) After that the Wilkinson's walked onstage singing "Outside Providence". Amanda was wearing a blue tank top (it was cute) and Tyler this green checkered shirt, and Steve I don't remember...They sang Boy Oh Boy and then Steve introduced his kids. He said Amanda had just turned 19 2 days ago and "Over there looking like a tablecloth my mom used to have when I was four or five (or something like that) is my son Tyler who's 16." *laughs* that shirt oh man...oh well tho, gurls ya might like to know his hair was lookin' diff! It was like more blonde and shaggier...Danielle didn't like it, I do :) They sang a new song called Feel (it's really cool), and Real Bad Mood (Amanda introduced it saying it was for all us gurls). Steve started introducing Fly and I said "Fly" (not loud might I add) and Steve goes "someone just said it" (hehe he's got good ears cuz I was over between Tyler and Amanda's mike). After that they sang 26 Cents and Jimmy (during Jimmy everyone stood up).

After the Wilkinson's there was another intermission and we got quizzed on trivia for shirts (Danielle and I won one and someone stole it from her at the meet and greet grrrr). We called Harlan over and he asked if I was Tracey and I said yeah! Mark Wills came onstage...he was pretty good. The one thing I do wanna share is...he was talking about the Wilkinson's and how glad when they do shows together and how they sang at some showcase for him and how he was was 16 when Tyler was born (uh could that be right?). He said something about being jealous of all the girls and asking Tyler was and Tyler said I'll be 17 in June and me and Danielle screamed out April and Mark heard and was like all joking "April? Whatever let me tell the story the way I want gurls." (laughs I was like sorry but we had to correct you!)

After Mark Wills it was meet and greet time (yeaaaa!) We had to wait in the hotel lobby and then were taken back into the venue off to the side of the seats (all maybe 8 of us, it was pathetic). I watched a few people but mostly just talked to Danielle. When Danielle was still up there Amanda looked at me and said "How are you?!" and I was like "Good" and I gave her the card we'd made and pasted everyone's greetings on...either Tyler or Steve (Tyler I think) said "it's huge!" Amanda opened it and looked at all the greetings and said something like awwww thanks (that right Danielle?) Danielle asked Tyler if they'd checked out the waterslide and he said he didn't bring his suit and Amanda said she didn't either (awww that slide looked fun) and we were all like "Why didn't you bring it?" hehe. Amanda saw my other stuff and asked if I wanted her to take it I said "no" (they were for Tyler and Steve).

I gave Tyler the Binks song and hotwheel...(dun member in which order). I remember he said cool about the binks song...and he got all excited at the hotwheel. I told him it took me 8 stores to find that one and Steve was like "Is that a PT Cruiser?" and Tyler was like "Yeah it is!" I also gave Steve a letter. Amanda started telling me about how she hoped I was having a great time and how nice it was to see me again and Steve was saying stuff too...Tyler was being pretty shy that nite. Anywho I said I'd be at the next nite shows and they seemed excited about that...I said we were staying at the hotel and Steve was like "oh you are?" or something. We took a group pic and Danielle wanted us to take one together instead of 2 separate one's so DT told us to each stand by Tyler so we took the pic...DT was like "smile" and I was like "I am smiling" and Amanda was just standing there smiling at me.

After the pic I turned to Tyler and said "Tyler can I ask you a question?" and he said "yeah" and smiled and I was like "what's your favorite Star Wars character?" and he said some weird name I can't remember it and neither can Danielle...but then he said "Chewy". I said "What about Jar Jar Binks?" Tyler said "no" Danielle and I were all "How can you not like Binks?!" and he was like "he's annoying" and I was like "he's cute! the way he talks is cute!" and Amanda said he was cute and Tyler said "the first few times he was but now he's just annoying". (dang how many times has he seen Episode 1? Do I even wanna know?) He started talking about Chewy (Chewbacca, the big furry guy) and he was like "I like someone who can actually kick someone's butt." (laughs okkkkie tyler jar jar can kick butt lol actually prolly not he whacked his head on the light thing coming outta Anakin's podracer) After that it was time for them to leave so Amanda told us to have fun on the waterslide and I said "if we even check it out" and she said "You should!" and were like Okay...

After that we were lookin' for Harlan and Lyle of Yankee Grey was over talking to some fans so we waited...and Danielle said something about wanting to use up pics and Lyle heard and said "I'll take a pic with you" and so that was cool and he asked if I wanted one too so I said "um sure" and got one. Then we asked Harlan if we could help announce The Wilks tomorrow and went to bed.

Saturday... The next morning I woke up a little after 8 and got my stuff ready for the show while I waited for Danielle to wake up. She woke up and we got ready and went walking was about 11 by that time and it was a good thing we got ready first because when the elevator stopped on first floor and opened DT was waiting to get in...he said "mornin" and I said "hi" and I went to get some orange juice. Then, seeing nobody in line we decided to go right then instead of at 11:30 just to make sure no one else got there before us (we're nuts) so we quick ran and got some stuff and came back and set up Star Wars monopoly for something to do (never got far at all though, kept getting distracted by ppl walking people were making comments about it and once again YG and Wilks kept walking by which was fun). Around noon I called ticketmaster to get Aaron Carter tix and at first I couldn't figure out how to not hafta put in the calling card info each time so I was being all sarcastic to the phone cuz it kept telling me how many minutes I had left and then ticketmaster would be busy...Steve walked by when I was saying "Really?!" all sarcastic *laughs* Then later, Steve walked by and asked "How's the monopoly game?" and I said "Good, do you recognize this game?" and he said "OH yeah". (guess Tyler plays it a lot) DT walked by once and said "Cold in here" or something like that. Lyle kept walking by and smiling at us. Harlan kept walking by and sometimes talked to us...we had fun waiting! Usually when they'd walk by they wouldn't really look so I remember seeing Tyler and Amanda and looking away not to stare and I find out from Danielle they waved and smiled at us (that's the LAST time I don't look).

Around maye 1 some lady came and got in line for her and her kids and her friend and her kids (at least that's who I'm guessing those kids were). She was really nice :) They'd seen The Wilks before in Mahnomen (I was there!) Finally...around maybe 4 (doors opened at 5) people started coming...(a few had come before then but like 2 people a man and women) I remember going up quick to the room to put something away around 4 something and coming back down and a lot of people had come, I was like "holy cow" and by 4:30 the line was just getting huge...people were budging behind us but the group of us that had been there all day didn't have any problems. Danielle and her mom had went up for something and I wanted my photo albums and the elevator came down and Tyler and Amanda were in it too (lucky) but that's her story...we found out there was no soundcheck for Wilks that day (aww man). We went back and talked to Sierra. As I was talking to her Tyler and Amanda (and Steve I think) walked by and I said "Hi Amanda" and she said "heey" and Tyler smiled so that was cool! I was happy :) Soon the fire alarm went off (fire on 3rd floor I heard great my floor) and some ppl left but us at the beginning didn't even move (cept the kids left with one adult). The lady and us made a plan to make sure nobody budged in front of us and we all go the front row seats and it worked! The whole center section front row was her group and ours, it was SWEET! The little kids were so cute! ANYWHO! I got some food and pop and settled down.

Soon Harlan announced Yankee Grey and Danielle and I held up our poster we'd made that said "Way 2 go Harlan!" (aren't we weird? Harlan walked by once while we were making it and tried to peek but we wouldn't let him, I dun think he saw it earlier tho *phew*). Harlan saw it and was all "OMG I have a fan club out there, Way to go Harlan thanks gurls!" LOL it was soooo funny! A few people laughed and a few cheered hehe! YG came onstage and played. Then after that an intermission where we did this find things game with Harlan... we didn't win any shirts tho :( Once Danielle's mom started screaming "HARLAN OVER HERE!!!!!" with her room key but he didn't come to her LOL.

The Wilkinson's came out next!!!!!! Harlan did his whole email speech again! Danielle's mom was all "yeah u guys". They sang the same songs as Friday nite but Tyler was wearing this really cool silky blue shirt :) And I think that's the show Steve wore a necklace...anywho I took a bunch more pics from my seat right in front of Tyler's mike (ok if u wanna get technical it was in between mine and the seat next to mine which I was saving for someone the next show).

After the Wilkinson's they called for fan club members right away and maybe ten of us went back there... Stood in line thinking of what I could talk about this time and listened to Tyler argue with Amanda about there sports team saying how they had 2 teams and one sucked (yes Tyler said sucked, lol it was funny). Danielle went up and wasn't talking so I said "we're back" and Danielle said something and I said "no, I mean we're back here again" and Amanda said "Did you enjoy the show?" and I said "Oh yeah" and was talking to her.

Then we went to take the pic and DT couldn't get it to flash, he tried and tried...he was like "1, 2 more" and I was like "is it on?" and he was like "Yeah" and I blurted out the first thing that came to mind to break the silence which was "I hear you're nominated for a Grammy?" and Steve said "yeah for Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend" and I said "Tyler does that scare you?" and he said "no" and I said "I mean cuz Amanda usually sings lead" and then finally the camera worked so the pic took and then Tyler said "no not scare, more like excited" (LOL that's what I meant to say but oh well). After that we were led out and I tried to fix my camera (turns out the zoom was stuck, way to go DT oh well I fixed it so I was happy).

Mark Wills came on and did another good show...after that people were all told to leave to get the people in for the next show but Harlan let us stay to save our seats :) (he's soooo nice!) and a few others got to stay cuz they went and asked but oh well. We asked Harlan about the announcement and he said he hadn't had a chance to ask DT but what he was gonna do was give us a cue and we had to say "Live from Spirit Lake it's the Wilkinson's!" so we were all like okay and wondering if he wanted us to just scream it or if he'd hold out a mike or what...Yankee Grey came out and was setting up...the piano player called "Weren't you here the past 2 shows?" and we said "yeah!" People got let in and then Yankee Grey hit the stage. Danielle managed to get me a few guitar pics (thanks gurl).

After the intermission Harlan went onstage to announce The Wilkinson's and did the email speech again adding "And 2 of them are right up front Tracey and..." and Danielle goes "Danielle" and he says "Danielle" "They came 8 hours to see The Wilkinson's" and some other stuff and he said "They're going to help me announce this next act, take it away girls." and held the mike out and I got scared (the place was packed) and said "the exact line you told us?" and he said something and I said "the exact line right?" and he said "yeah" and I had forgotten it so I started to say something I'd heard before from casino's saying how they were proud to present The Wilkinson's adding the right name "Spirit Lake is proud..." (I think that's how far I got I dunno) and Danielle didn't know what I was doing so she looked at me and I looked at her and then we just yelled "THE WILKINSON'S!!!!" Harlan added "Giant Recording Artists the Wilkinson's" and they ran out.

Oh man then we were hyper! LOL! I was spazzing to Danielle and Sierra (laughs). Tyler seemed pretty hyper too which just made me even more hyper (the fun dip during YG helped that too). Soooo we had a blast singing along and stuff (we sang the other shows too but this was the funnest one). They changed the set by not singing "Boy Oh Boy" and singing 2 old covers instead (one Amanda sang, one Tyler did)... I think San Antone Rose and Down China Grove maybe??? During Real Bad Mood at the end the crowd started screaming (yes it was sweet!) and during 26 cents everyone cheered (yes!) and during Jimmy everyone was totally up on there feet it was great! They talked about Mark Wills onstage and Tyler joked "Never heard of him". Another thing is Amanda was wearing a black tank top that sparkled it was cute...and Tyler had his tablecloth shirt on again (awwww I liked the blue one).

After the Wilkinson's left the stage, we were called back right away again for meet and greet and like ten of us again maybe went and 2 others were same as last time, the others were new I think and I was happy to see these two little gurls that had told us they missed the one the nite before cuz they didn't finish with Marks in time back there...we'd told them to tell Marks people that so they could go to both so :) We thought they were gonna switch directions for the beginning of the line so we went to the other side and DT comes down and says "Are you first?" and we go "NO!" and go back to the other side (LOL). This professional photographer for a radio station there was at the end and his friend said something about them at the end and he said "no these are the devoted fans they can go to the end" Hehe he remembered our intro!

Steve and Amanda came walking out but no Tyler (he was still taking his jacket off in this room). Steve and Amanda get up by me and Steve yells "Tyler!" and we're laughing and he's like smiling at us and says "Hurry up!" and so Tyler comes running out in his tablecloth shirt and Danielle yells "Run!" and he gets a few feet from me and I yell "Don't fall in the pool!" (there was an empty pool right next to him and he was fine at first but when he got by the people he was running by the edge and if he woulda fell oh man that woulda hurt) and he looked like he was about to laugh but I think he moved over a few feet lol (did he danielle?)

I got up there and Amanda started talking to me and I told her I'd be in Red Wing and she was happy about that. Tyler said something and I said Red Wing Minnesota, I'm going to see you guys there and was saying how it was 18 plus and Danielle wouldn't be able to go but I'd be there and Tyler was all confused and Steve said "it's a casino Tyler" and DT said something about how he wouldn't be able to go and Steve said "Yeah DT and I are only 17." and Tyler said "Darn, I guess I'll have to sit that show out." (I don't think so Tyler, they'll let u in!) I asked Steve if he'd read the letter and he said "yeah" and I asked if he'd shown Tyler and Amanda and he said "no but I have it so I will" and I said "thanks". Then, I asked Amanda for a hug and she said "sure" and smiled and hugged me and Steve and Tyler didn't see so when they looked at me I said "Can I hug both of you?" and Tyler smiled and said "yes" and hugged me and then Steve hugged me and said "Thanks hun have a safe trip." and I said "Bye guys, see you in Red Wing!" and Steve I think said see you and Tyler mighta said something I dun remember.

After that I went out and watched Mark Wills... This time Mark started talking about how many of us were at both shows that nite and a few screamed and we yelled "3!" and Mark goes "3?" "I need to teach you a lesson in consumer economics." and we said we'd come 8 hours and he said "where are you from?!" and we said "St. Paul" and he said "You're nuts. I wouldn't travel 8 hours to see Elvis." Then he said "You're here to see Tyler Wilkinson aren't you?" and my mouth dropped open and Danielle said "No, I'm here for all 3" (acts I think she said) and he started saying how he was gonna come out and say he was Tyler Wilkinson and he was pulling on his pants and he was like "but I didn't" and I was like "You shoulda!" and he was like "I shoulda?" and I was like "Yeah did you see what he did to you tonite?" and Mark goes "No, what did he do?" and I said "He said he didn't know you" and Mark said "He doesn't know me." and thanked us for coming out (lol I didn't come to see him but oh well that was cool he was good and funny and nice)

After Mark I said something about wondering if we could find Lyle again cuz Danielle wanted his autograph and so did I and we saw Lyle over with some fans and got him to sign guitar pics...I said "Will you sign this?" he said "Sure." and signed I said "Thanks." he said something...I dunno some little gurl had him sign his hat right before me and he was all asking her name and saying nice to meet her it was so cute she was like "nice to meet u too" after she'd kinda walked away LOL. Was going to go thank Harlan but he was busy so I just went up to bed.

To sum it all up I had a blast seeing the Wilkinson's! The other 2 acts (Yankee Grey and Mark Wills) were cool but I was there for Wilkinson's! I took a bunch of pics and will be getting them back in a few days so I'll be sure to scan those, I took 6 rolls all from front row center with a 120 zoom so they'll be great pics! I'm so excited to get them back!!!!!! Next concert, Red Wing March 10th! 2 shows YEA! I can't wait!