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The Wilkinsons
July 25th, 2001- Sidney, Ohio
by Tracey

When we got to Sidney it was pouring rain so I got drenched in it running in to ask directions to the fairgrounds, but oh well. Got there
and met up with Lauren and Kati. Went in and got our seats and waited for other Word members to show up. Mariah and her buds came, and Amandaand her buds and Ethan so we sat around talking to them and these 2 guys (Corey and Brian) from Ohio and two other gurls from the Word newsletter that weren't in our Sidney crew.

Saw Tyler sitting with his Grandma and 2 little kids (his cousins, we found out) and talked to them for maybe ten minutes. Had Tyler sign his dad's B-Day Card (since I know you're going to ask what he wrote it was "Have a good one." - Your cool and best son, Tyler W.). He was reading all the messages on the card and talking to me. I'm not going to go listing every single thing said but something you gurls might like to know that he told me that Steve does NOT like being called Mister. He was laughing because a few messages had Mr. Wilkinson or Mr. Steve. Lauren or Kati asked Tyler about the little kids and he said their names were Hannah and Bailey
(I hope that's right) and I asked how old they were and he goes "Bailey how old are you?" and she holds up 6 or maybe it was 5 fingers. It was cute ;0) Then Kati and Lauren wanted pics with him so I decided to get one too. I told him that Kati, Lauren, and I had thought Michele was Amanda (LOL). He was like "You thought Michele, the merchandise lady was Amanda?" all amused. I said how we
went up to her to have her sign the card and she turned around and we realized it wasn't her. And I said how she looks like her from the back and how if she tells him 3 gurls mistook her for Amanda it was us. Grandma said Amanda was sleeping (cause I'd asked about her signing the card) and that Chris and Kiaya were at home watching the colts. After that we left so they could enjoy their meal when the food came back.

Came back and got DT to sign Steve’s card. Did you know he's only 3 days younger than Steve? His Birthday is August 21st so be sure to wish him a good one if you see him around then. The Wilkinsons came out and sang 2 songs and then went off (Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend and 1 other one, I think it might have been "I Had a Dream"? but I don't remember). It was fun to watch though. I got a few of the bandmates to sign the card too (Mark Easterling was one I believe).

After that went back to talking to everyone. The final member of our crew, Gary showed up and joined us. Then my parents showed up and I went to go find some supper. By the time we got back it was almost showtime so just sat and waited. At 8 the announcer came on Mariah, Brandi, Gary, me, Lauren, Kati, Sarah, and Corey all ran up to the stage. It was cool cuz the guy talked about the fan club meet and greet and he goes "I know we have some fans here" and he listed places and the first place he said was "Minnesota"! I think that was the farthest place...there was a Michigan but that's pretty close to Ohio, same with Indiana. Yeah I know I'm nuts.

Tyler, Amanda, and Steve ran out and started singing "I Had a Dream". For those of you wondering Tyler was wearing a blue flame shirt and blue pants, Amanda red pants and a black glitter tank top, Steve blue jeans and a Hawaiin shirt. Then they sang "Outside Providence", 2 others, and then "Don't I Have a Heart". I got good pics of Tyler during that since he actually abandoned his mike stand. They sang "One of These Days", it was great! When Jimmy started we all ran up to the front. That was fun! I was touching the stage by Tyler's mike. They were supposed to do an encore so we waited but then the band started tearing down so I guess they ran over time or something. Mark Easterling came over and gave me the set list, so that was cool :0)

Got in line with Sarah, Ethan, and Gary at the beginning of the fan club line. The Wilkinsons saw Sarah's laminate right away and asked about it so she was telling them about the Word hehe. When it was my turn I handed Steve his Birthday Card. I told him Tyler and Amanda had signed it and he looked at them. Steve thanked me and said he'd read it on the bus. He took my picture to sign and asked where it was taken. I said Lima, and that it was the one he said not to put on my site and he goes "So you put it on there?" or something like that joking and I go "I'm sorry". I talked to Tyler about a song Michelle and I wrote, and Amanda about the album. She asked about getting it online or something and I told her the address in the newsletter was was cute because she said "Oh no!" I
asked Tyler to personalize a pic for me and he goes "To Tracey?" and I say "Yeah" and he says "Ey?" and I say "huh?" and he says "You
spell it ey right?" and I reply "Yeah" and he says "That's what I thought". Then, I said something like "How did you know that? My own family doesn't even spell it right." Steve laughed and Tyler didn't say a thing. So then I wanted hugs so I asked the 3 of them in general and Steve says "No hugs!" all joking around and smiling at me and I'm like "haha" joking back. Then he's like "Of course" or something like that. But then he says (to everyone listening) "She doesn't want to hug us, she just wants to hug him (he was talking about Tyler)." I said no and that I wanted to hug all 3 of them and he didn't say anything. So I got hugs from the 3 of them, said I'd see them in the public signing and left.

My mom was already in the public line, at the end when I joined her. Gary, his mom and siblings joined us and we were all talking waiting
until our turn. My dad stood a ways away videotaping us (I didn't find this out till I watched the tape LOL). I was trying to find Gramma
Wilkinson because she wanted to see my pics and so did Bailey, but Mark Easterling said she was on the bus already). When it was finally our turn I told DT that was my mom and he said "Nice to meet you" and shook her hand. Then I said my dad was videotaping and he smiled at the camera. Tyler was signing some autograph at the time I believe but when my mom got up to him he looks up and says "You're Tracey's mom?" and points to me. And my mom said yeah and he smiles at us and nods. I gave all 3 of them laminates and my mom told Tyler that they need to come closer and Steve said the tour schedule is going to be different next year. I said "Minnesota?!" Tyler said "Yeah" and smiled. I said "Wisconsin?" he said "Probably both." My my mom said I'd find them. LOL! Then we bid our goodbyes and left.

On our way out I saw Grandma so I showed her and the cousin's my pics. She said Tyler was trying something with his hair (back when it was long). Talked to her for a few minutes, and headed back to my uncle's. It was yet another great show and I can't wait for the next!