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2002 Course Schedule

1st Semester

English 101 - concert reviews
Photography - concert pix & more
Choir - lyrics
Computer - links
History - how it all began
Study Hall - help the Wilkinsons

2nd Semester

Newspaper - breaking news
Speech - quotes
Video Production - tv appearances
Modern Art - graphics
Band - bios
Geography - tour dates

Around the Building

Morning Announcements - updates
Lunchroom - talk to other fans
Your Locker - email pals
Principal's Office - about me
Library - magazine articles
Trophy Case - awards
Bulletin Board - trading post
Field Trip - concert info
The Yearbook - fan pix








The Wilkinson's
St. Paul, Minnesota
September 3rd, 1999

by Tracey

I heard Bryan was coming to the State Fair again and was psyched! Then I heard who was opening, The Wilkinson's and got totally excited because I'd just bought their CD "Nothing But Love" and loved it! (not to mention I admit I thought Tyler was cute) The day came and I went to school (man was it hard to concentrate that day). Then I went home and got ready and my dad picked my mom and I up. In the car I wrote letters to Bryan (I had a meet and greet pass from his fan club) and The Wilkinson's (I was hoping I'd get to meet them since I was meeting Bryan).

Got to fair and headed straight for the grandstand. I believe we had like 11th or 12th row (but the seats are super far away from the stage, I swear they're like 50 feet from the stage) and anyways my friend Liz had 4th so I was down in 8th (handicapped) talking to her. It was about time to start and I asked this nice family if I could stand next to them and they said yeah...well the dad actually gave me his chair and got another one from the security guard so I was able to stay there the whole show! (thanks so much guys!)

The Wilkinson's came on and put on an excellent show! I couldn't take my eyes off them! I was hooked! After it was over they made an announcement saying you could go back and meet them if you signed up for the fan club that nite. Well, you didn't need to tell me twice. I ran to Liz and told her what I was going to do and her and Stacy and her brother wanted to do the same as did the family I was sitting with!

After signing up it was time for Bryan. I enjoyed his show but I just couldn't concentrate, I was so excited that I'd be able to meet the Wilkinson's. Me and the little girl I was sitting next to yelled out Bryan and he looked up and smiled (hehe go us). I was going to take her back to meet him but they wanted to leave early so I didn't. Anywho Bryan finished his set and it was meet and greet time!

Both lines looked equally long so I went and stood in the Wilkinson's (hoping I'd still have time to meet Bryan since u only get one pass a year for him). Liz and her brother went off to see Bryan but Stacy didn't have a pass so she stood in line with me for Wilkinson's. While we were waiting we talked to people around us. When it was my turn I went up there and Amanda said "hi" and I said "hi" and had them sign a pic I'd bought that nite. Then I gave Tyler a fake blue flower (LOL I don't know why, I was going to give it to Bryan but then I gave it to Tyler) and the letter for them all and he said "thanks". I told him he did a good job and right then he looked up and I couldn't remember the name of the show for a few seconds so I just stood there thinking and was like "um prime time country yeah" and he was like "thanks" and smiled and then I got a pic with him. Afterwards I walked off (thinking that was my one pic) and I looked back and Amanda and Steve and Tyler were all looking at each other and at me and Amanda asked if I wanted a pic and I said "yeah" and went between her and Tyler. Then I went to meet Bryan all hyper!