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related to Murder of Jane Duchene (1986) by Dr.
Victor Corbett and others...2003/2004
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Specimen Affidavit for Insulin Dependent Diabetic

STATE OF ___________


COUNTY OF ______________                   DIVISION ____________



                                            AFFIDAVIT OF INSULIN DEPENDENT

                                            DIABETIC, ________________________


                                            Court File:_______________

                                            Regarding the Death of Jane Dorothy                                             Duchene, November 19, 1986; ST.                                             PAUL, MN

State of______________      )SS

County of _____________     )SS

Affiant, _______________________________________, having been duly sworn upon
oath, deposes and says as follows:

1. That Affiant is a insulin dependent diabetic and a member of Diabetics/Disabled Anonymous.

2. That Affiant has been insulin dependent for twenty eight years and attended diabetes education when diagnosed with diabetes meillitus; therefore, Affiant monitors Affiant’s own blood sugars, insulin dosages and injections daily and is as knowledgeable as a nurse or physician in these aspects of Affiant’s diabetic care; although Affiant does not claim to be able to perform tasks that a hospital would such as remedying the effects of a diabetic coma by re-hydration and restoring of electrolyte and potassium balance, which can be done even when a diabetic is at death’s door.

3. That Affiant has reviewed the medical records from Wedgewood Healthcare Center, Inver Grove, Minnesota. Dr. Corbett and reports regarding the death of Jane Duchene and it is clear to Affiant that Dr. Corbett knew that he was causing the death of Jane Duchene, and would similarly cause the death of any other insulin dependent diabetic patient, by radically reducing two thirds of her insulin and failing to restore it for nearly one month; because Affiant and even members of Affiant’s family know:

a) there is no possibility that Affiant would under dose Affiant’s insulin, by a reduction of two thirds or other similar radical reduction, for a period of nearly one month as Dr. Corbett did regarding Jane Duchene because Affiant would know this course would be suicidal and result in acidosis, ketosis and death from diabetic coma;- and even if the condition of acidosis were caused by under dosing insulin Affiant would know to restore insulin to a higher and sufficient dosage, without a physician’s advice because the symptoms of acidosis are so prominent, deadly and well known to Affiant.

b) that a normal fasting blood sugar, before food is ingested, is between 60 and 120 and that a blood sugar of 67 would not be cause to reduce insulin by two thirds, at all or for nearly one month to prevent insulin reaction.

c) that insulin reaction is treated by taking sugar, glucose, orange juice or other quickly absorbed sugar source so that the excess of insulin has something to act on in the diabetic’s system.

4. That Affiant is particularly shocked by the fact that Mrs. Duchene’s death occurred in a nursing home where factors of managing a diabetic diet where being done for Jane Duchene and where the strict medical control for diabetes makes it impossible for death from diabetic coma, as happened to Jane Duchene, to occur; unless death from insulin deficiency is being deliberately caused.

5. That Affiant knows that both physician’s and nurses are acutely aware of the symptoms of acidosis, ketosis and diabetic coma from insufficient insulin; as aware or even more aware than Affiant is; therefore, it seem impossible to Affiant that the nursing staff did not know that Jane Duchene was dying from insulin deficiency, as Affiant and Affiant’s family know the classic symptoms of insulin deficiency (acidosis, ketosis and diabetic coma) and insulin shock or insulin reaction.

6. That Affiant does not purport to understand the personal motives and non medical reasons for the commission of the acts of discontinuing the necessary insulin of Jane Duchene, acts Dr. Corbett and the nursing staff at Wedgewood; however, Affiant is certain and concerned that the act of discontinuing two thirds of Jane Duchene’s insulin and failing to restore it to a therapeutic dosage were not acts done with any possible medical benefit to Jane Duchene in mind and were intentional and deliberate acts done with the full knowledge that Jane Duchene’s death from diabetic coma was being caused.

7. That Affiant is very concerned that there has been no action against Dr. Corbett by law enforcement nor a grand jury investigation of the death of Jane Duchene, regarding Dr. Corbett’reduction of Jane Duchene’s insulin and death from that; and Affiant believes that any diabetic who might be vulnerable or incapacitated and need to rely on others to give correct dosages of insulin is unsafe until Dr. Corbett is brought before a grand jury for investigation of this case because Dr. Corbett’s radical reduction of insulin, which predictably would cause death, regarding Jane Duchene, is a precursor for other similar deaths caused by medical professionals.

8. That Affiant does know not know Dr. Victor Corbett, nurses Anne Thule or Jeanne Menard or any other parties involved in the discontinuation of Jane Duchene’s insulin, personally, to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and Affiant bears no actual malice or malice as defined by law towards any of said parties;- Affiant’s sole concern is for Affiant’s life and vital safety should Affiant become vulnerable and unable to control Affiant’s daily insulin dosages, whether that be in a medical environment or elsewhere in an unforeseen situation. Affiant bears no ill will towards the medical or legal profession; however Affiant does believe that Affiant has a right as a person who has the chronic but not fatal disease, diabetes, to be assured that instances of termination of the life of any diabetic; rendered helpless, vulnerable and dependent on others for insulin is not terminated by withholding of sufficient insulin; is prosecuted by law enforcement. If the deliberate causing of the death of one adult diabetic from withdrawal of insulin is met with indifference from law enforcement, it is obvious that the deaths of other diabetics will be met with such indifference and invite such murders to take place. Affiant is aware that control in medical institutions can readily be taken by medical professionals and that medical professionals are at least reluctant to bring civil or criminal misconduct by other medical professionals to light; therefore, Affiant feels it is important to speak out, in circumstances where the misconduct centers around an illness and it’s treatment that is so well known to diabetics and their families. Affiant takes a stand and emphatically insists that law enforcement and State Prosecutors bring Dr. Corbett before a grand jury for investigation on charges of homicide in the first degree, in Affiant’s medical interest which is a public interest.

9. This affidavit was typed by Diabetics/Disabled Anonymous for Affiant’s convenience and represents Affiant’s personal thought, belief and knowledge from Affiant’s experience as a insulin dependent diabetic, accurately and truthfully.


Subscribed to and sworn before me           Affiant,

this _____day of ____________, 200_.

Notary Public

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For Chronologies of what happened, Click HERE!!!

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55110-2008, USA
V and Fax: 651 457 4376



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