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More Stewart Minnesota Postcards

Hall Street 1950
About The same as the 1948 View. You can see part of the Lumber Yard on the right. (Torn down in the 1980's)

Bowman Street Looking North 1948
The first building on the right is Schmitz's Brothers Ford (Torn Down 1970). The Next is the Funeral Home (Torn Down 1999). On the Left is a house (Gone, nit sure when.) Then the South Side Cafe/ Theater Building (Torn Down 1980's?). Next is Ahlers IGA (Still around but remodeled not long after this Pic) Then the Hardware Store and John Deere Dealer to the back (Still around and Looks basically the same.)

Powers Street Looking East Around 1908
The First Building on the left was the Telephone Office. (torn down 1967). Next is Probably Dr. Kohlers Office (Still around moved out of town in the 1950's) Then a bar (torn down 1984). Next is a house (Torn Down 1969). I'm not sure about the other buildings on that side of the street. On the right is a bar (Later the funeral home. Torn down 1999) Next is the produce. (torn Down in the 1970's). Next is a house. (I thinks its still the same house that's there today Its been moved further back from the street). I'm not sure what the next building was at this time its now Hahn Antiques. The Next is possibly the Jewelry Store (Torn Down 1998) Then the Harness Shop. (torn down in the 1980's). You can see the roof of the Hotel to the back that burnt down in 1933. And the Old Mill is to the back. Not sure when it was torn down.

Powers Street Looking East
Taken about a block further West then the last postcard. On the left is the Hardware Store. and on the Right is Ahlers

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