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Welcome To 20INCH e-zine

Date:Dec: 30?or31? Obviously some people are confuzed on the whole ezine thing. YES this is an ezine. NO it is not updated every month, two months, 6 months, year. It is updated every time i want to update it and have something to put in it. I have a life off of the internet and i also have other sites that i work on. Since its on the internet you dont buy it and you dont have a limited time to buy so why complain and why worry about when it was last updated check every week and see if anything has happened cause im working on it and Missouri freestyle ezine, and Crome Metal, and freestyle, and 5pointstar so dont freak out.
Date: LONG TIME AGO AND STILL HALFWAY TRUE-Hey We Are Back and we are better! We are currently being rebuilt so lots of spots will be down but there will be More. If you have any questions Click Here and tell me them. For the subject type ( ?20INCH? ). August

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