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Sunset at Lonesome Valley Ranch.

To My Family Of Angels

Our Granny, She will melt your Heart,
Granny is a deaf mute, This never stopped her, she goes like a house on fire,,,,LOL.

My Mother and Father
Dad is Irish-Indian & Mom is German-Dutch-Indian.

Mom and Dads first.

Tera Sue, My Lovely Daughter.
Hoss & Stinky's Mother.

Tera's Rose

Hoss 10, Stinky 8, & Bug 12.
My 2 Grandson's & my Niece.

SkyDog 14.
My handsome and funny nephew.

My Son, T.Jay, age 16 yr's,9 mo's.

To Know An Angel

BobbyJo,A Daughter in my Heart.
She is a gift from my Son. And R/C's Mother.

Dalton AKA {Rotten Child} R/C for short.
And the apple of this Granny Grunt's eye.

Sheilah K. she is my Sister by choice.
Even she loves R/C, And she don't like babies,,,,,LOLOL.

PLEASE, Be my "GUEST" and CRUISE my other pages.
Thank You.

Cowboys & Gals

To Know An Angel

TJ's Rose


Memorial to my Brother

Stairway To Heaven

Love A Tear Stained Rose

Under His Wings

Relax & Enjoy


My Angelic Friends, 0;-)

My Quilts & Crafts Show

Lonesome Valley Lake's Fishing Hall of Fame

Mid-Mo's Ozarks Humor

The Wishing Angel

My Great Awards

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LadySue's Home