If you've never watched the television show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", or if you've watched the show, but don't hang out at the "Buffy" Posting Board (also known as "The Bronze"), then a lot of these pages aren't for you. However, you are more than welcome to check out my graphics links page. If you are working on creating or updating a website, these links will be very helpful! And if you haven't watched "Buffy", why not??
If you are visiting from "The Bronze", WELCOME!! I am in the process of creating a few pages that will directly and indirectly relate to our beloved second home. Wish me luck!
BTW - You may also drop by my (younger) sister Karyn's site! And she wants me to tell you: Please, Please, PLEASE sign her guestbook, and she LOVES to get e-mail. (And she says I'm mental!!)
Also, "Thank You" to Gloria, for getting Internet Access, and letting me use her computer any time (and any length of time) I want (NEED).
The Bronze (slow, no frames) - My 2nd home!
Pages located on this site:
PHBA Home Page - Home page of the PB club "Pathetically Helpful Bronzers Anonymous"
Bookmarks of the Bronze - Huge list of Buffy the Vampire Slayer links, Bronze PB related links, etc.
BRBW Pics - These pictures were taken during the "Blue Ridge Buffy Weekend", a Posting Board Fan Party (PBFP) held in Harrisonburg, VA.
Angle Man's Infamous VIP Bios - Toungue in cheek Bios of some of the Bronze VIPs. (Erika Amato, RD, Jeff Pruitt, TV James, Apollo-Justin, ~mere~...
Waking the Dead - BtVS fanfic written by Godeater.
Guys: Figured Out By Name - An "all-in-fun" list of what guys names say about them. Some of the PB related names are hightlighted in red.
If you're a Bronzer who lives in the St. Louis, MO area (or plan to visit there, soon) visit my St. Louis Bronzer's Message Board
My current ICQ status is...
My Music Page
My Books Page
New News, etc
BtVS - The Books
Like the graphics? Visit my graphics sources (and a few other graphic links)
To send me ideas, feedback, etc. click here:
More Links
Official Site of Poltergiest: Legacy
Official Highlander Site
USA Network - Silk Stalkings, La Femme Nikita, etc.
Entertainment Weekly, Online
(This page was created on June 7, 1998, and was last updated (just a little) on September 26, 1998)
Thanks to Karyn's friend "Spice", for giving some of my graphics "transparent" backgrounds!
Email: ldw_bookworm@hotmail.com