Probate for William Groom ~ 1875
Contributed by Nancy Green
Probate for William Groom, who did not leave a will:
To the Hon. County Court of Clay County, Mo.
The undersigned widow and children of William Groom, deceased late of
Clay County, Mo.
hereby waive our rights severally to administration on the estate of said
deceased and
recommend that John Chrisman, Public Administrator of said county be appointed
administrator of said deceased.
This 2nd day of September 1875.
Savannah Groom [widow]
James N. Groom [son]
Lafayette Munkirs [husband of Lydia]
Daniel S. Thorp [husband of Margaret]
Antoine E. Hall [husband of Rebecca]
John Y. Reynolds [husband of Mary Catherine]
note: These are the wife of William Groom, his son and four
there are other children who did not sign, possibly; Edward Alexander
William Dudley Groom, Michael Farmer Groom and minors May Groom, Lela Groom
& an
unknown male who were children of Savannah and William.
also, Why did William & Martha Capps name their son Michael Farmer Groom
William subsequently marry Savannah Farmer??
Flyer for Estate Sale:
The undersigned Public
Administrator, having in his charge the estate of William
Groom deceased, will sell at Public Sale to the highest bidder, at the late
residence of said
deceased, about 2 1/2 miles northwest of Liberty, in Clay county Mo., on
The personal property of said deceased, consisting of horses, cattle, 2
wagons, 1 corn-sheller,
farming utensils, corn in the field and many things too tedious to
mention. The sale will
commence at 10 o'clock a. m., and be on the following terms.
A credit of four months will be
given on all sums over $5, the purchaser giving his note
with approved security before removal of the property. That sum and under
CASH in hand.
Sept. 14th, 1875
At the same time and place will be
sold all the household and kitchen furniture
belonging to the widow of said Wm Groom, deceased, on the same terms.
note: There is no property listed to be sold; what happened to the
The 1877 Clay Co Atlas shows W. Grooms EST in section 25, T52W, R32N.
I believe this
is his property.
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