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These wills were submitted by Nancy P. Hughes

Will of John Grooms

From Sunter County, SC, Courthouse, Probate Office, Bundle 143-7
South Carolina
Sumter District
        In the name of God amen I, John Grooms of the District and State 
aforesaid being of Sound mind, memory and understanding do make this my Last 
Will and testament in manner, and form following(To Wit) after the payment 
of all my Just debts I will divide and bequeath all my Estate both real 
and personal consisting of the tract of Land or plantation whereon I now live
one negro all my stock plantation tools house hold and kitchen furniture and
money or any other property I may have at my death to my wife Sarah Grooms 
during her natural Life and after the death of my wife I will and divide 
all the aforesaid property to Cornelius London(?) in trust nevertheless for
the sole and separate use of my Daughter (by my present wife)Mary C. Brown 
the wife of William H. Brown, during the term of her natural Life and after
her death - equal portions among all her children the increase of my negro
girl Fanny (another word illegible) but not Fanny herself who I will after
the death of my Daughter to my grand Daughter Mary J. Brown absolutely and 
forever and Lastly I nominate and appoint Cornelius London trustee and 
Executor of this my Last Will and testament.
        In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 13th 
day of April 1846.
Signed and Sealed in the                         John (x) Grooms
Presence of us
        W. J. Singleton
        W. J. Tisdale
        John D. Jones

Will of George Grumes, Charleston County, SC

Box 48, No 3 Know all men by these Presents that I George Grumes of the parish of St James Goose Creek and the State of South Carolina planter do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, and first of all I direct that my body be decently interred in the burying ground Known as the Platt burying ground located about one mile to the East of the State road &about 25 miles from Charleston &that my Executors have a suitable monument erected to mark the spot where my dust "rests in hope" And as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I dispose of the same as follows viz First I direct that my legal debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my decease as possible out of the first monies that shall come into the hands of my Executors from any portion of my estate real or personal. Second I do hereby vest in my Executors full power and authority to dispose my plantation or tract of land known as "Travellers home" or Saw Mill Containing more or less with the Steam Saw Mill now on the place to an approved purchaser for one fourth cash &the balance in four annual instalments with interest from day of sale security bond and mortgage with personal security. Third I direct that the plantation implements tools waggons carts mules &houses be sold as soon circumstances will admit or wisdom may point out. Fourthly I direct that my stock of cattle hogs &sheep be gathered at a proper time &be sold to the best advantage. Fifth I give my wife Elizabeth the choice of one of my horses with my Barouchs and harnesses, twenty cows &calves my household and Kitchen furniture and the entire stock of poultry to be and remain her absolute property. Also the entire portion and property which she heired from her father at his decease. Also I wish her to have the use and income arising from the place or tract of land now known as Grumesville containing 67 acres more or less to be hers during her pleasure or life &the monies arising from the rents of the houses in the village to be paid over to her annually for her support &at the death of my Wife the said place and perquisites with the rents to be propriated for the benefit support and comfort of the Officiating Minister who may have charge of the Goose Creek Baptist Church called Bethlehem for the support of the Gospel at that place. Sixthly after all my debts is paid off I direct that my negroes be sold &my beloved Wife be given one half of the amount of all my property as her portion in addition to the above &the other half of the amount of my property to be equally divided to my first Cousins. Seventhly I request that Mr. Samuel Lynes my brother in law be priviledged to occupy the house and lot which he now resides in as a Summer residence in Grumesville as long as himself or family be pleased to do by paying a rent of ten dollars per annum to be appropriated as already specified. Also after the decease of my beloved Wife Elizabeth I direct that my own house and residence in Grumesville with the lot connected be given to George Lynes the son of George Lynes to him and his legal heirs on the same condition of paying annually the sum of ten dollars to be appropriated as already directed. Eightly I do now appoint as my Executors the Revd Samuel Lynes &John McCullers to carry out my purposes and wishes herein expressed this twenth fourth day of September One thousand eight hundred and forty eight &in witness whereof I sign my name. George Grumes (Seal) Witnesses E. Nicholes, Theo. C. Tharin, D. G. Hough NB In addition to the above I give to my Wife the entire crop on the plantation. George Grumes (Seal) Proved before M T Mendenhall Esqr O C D 24 October 1848 and on the same day Revd Saml: Lynes, &Jno McCullers qualified as Exors: Thereof Recorded in Will Book K ;1845-1851 Recorded on Page 220


Will of James Grume

In the name of God whose Will be done Amen I James Grume of Charles Town in the Province of South Carolina Gentleman being in Perfect health and of sound mind and memory do make &ordain my last Will and Testament as follows. First my Will is that all my Just debts and funeral Charges (which Charges I desire my not Exceed fifty pounds Sterling) be well and truly paid and satisfyed. Also I give and bequeath to my Nephew David Grume son of my Brother William deceas'd one Hundred Pounds Sterling to be paid him or his Afsigns within one Year after my death. Also I give and devise all the Rest and residue of my Estate both real and personal to my Dearly Beloved Wife Isabella Grume her heirs Exors Admors and Afsigns forever lastly I constitute and appoint my said Wife sole Executrix of this my last will revoaking and making absolute void and null all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made And I do hereby pronounce publish and declare this only to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Charles Town in South Carolina the fifth day of August in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and forth six in the presence of three credible Witnefses who in my presence and at my Request subscribed their Hands at the same time as Witnefses thereto. James Grume Signed sealed pronounced published and Declared by the Testator as his last will and Testament in the presence of us Recorded the 30th Jany 1754 who in his presence and at his Request sign'd our Names as Witnefses thereto Childermast Croft B. Harvey David Rumph Recorded from Will Book No. 1752-1756, Page #154


Will of Isaac Grooms

In the name of God Amen I Isaac Grooms of the State of South Carolina Charleston District being infirm in Body but of Sound mind and Memory and Calling to mind the Mortality of the body and the Immortality of the Sole do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking and disannuling all and every other will or wills made by me or for my use whatsoever, Imprimis I will and bequeath that my Body be Buried in Christian like manner at the descretion of my Executors to be hereafter named, and that all of my Just debts be paid out of the proceeds of my Estate Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Tully Groomes all of my Property that I may pofsefs at the time of my death Lastley in order to carry this my lst will and testament into full and due execution thereof I do hereby appoint my True and trusty friend Thomas Bosher as Executor to this my last will &Testament, In witnefs whereof I here unto set my hand and Seal, this 22nd day of Novr 1817. his Isaac (///) Groomes mark Mary M. Savage his Thomas (x) Machlevean Mark (Recorded in Will Book AA Pge 148) Recorded 30th Day of May 1818 Geo Andrews J.P. Bundle 42 Pkge 12


Will of John Grooms

Box 76, No. 22 The State of South Carolina Charleston District In the name of God, Amen. I John Grooms Senr. Of St. John's Parish in the State and district aforesaid being in perfect health and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praised be God for the same do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I give and devise unto my dear Wife the plantation on which I now live containing three hundred and twenty eight acres more or less situated in the Parish of St. Johns Berkley together with all my stock of hogs Cattle horses provisions and household and kitchen furniture during the term of her natural life and after her death I give and devise the said plantation and one bed and bedding unto My son Nelson Grooms and the stock of Cattle &hogs and the house hold and Kitchen furniture to be equally divided between my daughters Mary A. Bunch and Frances Grooms also I already give unto my son John Grooms Junr. A tract of Two hundred and Seven acres more or lefs of land in St. James Goose Creek parish on which he now lives as his share of my Estate both real and personal and likewise I have given unto my son Robert Grooms a tract of two hundred and thirteen Acres more or less of land on which he now lives part in St. James Parish Goose Creek and part in St. John's Berkley as his share of my Estate both real and personal, and I also have given my son Lewis Groom a tract of two hundred and ten Acres more or less of land situated part in St. James Goose Creek and part in St. Johns Berkley Parishes as his Share of my Estate both real and personal. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Son Lewis Grooms Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills and testaments at any time heretofore by me made and do declare this my last Will and testament. In witness whereof I have subscribed my name and my hand and seal the 24 day of April in the Year of our Lord 1849. his James X Grooms (LS) mark Signed Sealed declared and Published by the above named John Grooms Senr. as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witness there to, the word hundred being interlined before signed. his his Richard Seabrook (LS) John X Joyner (LS) Robert X Grooms (LS) mark mark his Lewis X Grooms mark Proved before George Buist Esquire O.C.D. the 22nd day of Decr. 1852 at the same time qualified Mr. Lewis Grooms Executor Recorded from Will Book No. L 1851-1856, Page #122


Will of John Grume

In the Name of God Amen, February the sixteenth 1776 I John Grume of the parish of St. James's Goose Creek, Being sick in body but of good &sound Memory thanks be to Almighty God &Calling to Remembrance the unCertain estate of this transitory life &that all flesh must yeild to Death, when it shall please God to call, do make, constitute ordain &declare this my last will &testament in manner &form; following revoking &annulling by these present all &every testament or testaments will or wills heretofore by me made &declared either by words or writing &this Only to be taken for my last Will &Testament &none Other And first being penitent &sorry from the bottom of my heart for my Sins past, most humbly desire forgivnefs for the same I give &Commit my Soul unto almighly God my Saviour &Redeemer in whom &by the Merits of Jesus Christ I trust & believe afsuredly to be saved &to have full remifsion &forgivenefs of all my sins, & that my Soul with my Body at a general Day of the Resurrection, shall rise again with joy, & through the Merits of Christ's death &pafsion pofsefs & inherit the Kingdom of heaven prepared for his elect & chosen & my Body to be buried in Such place where it shall please my executors hereafter named to appoint And now, for the Settling of my temporal estates &Such goods, chattels and Debts as it hath pleased God, for above my deserts to bestow upon me I do order, give &dispose of the same in Manner &form following that is to Say first I desire all my Just debts to be fully paid & Satisfied as soon as conveniency will admit after my decease by my Executors hereafter Named Item I give and Bequeath to my loving Wife, the free use & enjoyment of all my Estate of what nature or kind soever During her life Item my Will is that after my Wifes Death, my whole estate be divided equally Share &Share alike between my children, by my Executors hereafter Named, Yet Neverthelefs be it allways under stood that should my Wife be pregnant at the time of my Death and after, bring forth a live born Child by me begotten that then, & in such Case, such Child be born shall be entitled to and Receive An equal Share of my Estate with the rest of my Children the same as if it had been born before my Decease And Lastly I do hereby constitute & appoint my trusty Friends John Wright and John Morgandollar to be Executors of this my last Will &Testament desiring them to perform & fulfill every Matter therein Specified as witnefe my hand John Grooms (L.S.) Witnefs John Burnett Junr. Sarah (her mark) Burnett Recorded in Will Book 1774-1779 Recorded on Page 372

These wills were submitted by Nancy P. Hughes


Will of John Grooms

From Sunter County, SC, Courthouse, Probate Office, Bundle 143-7
South Carolina
Sumter District
        In the name of God amen I, John Grooms of the District and State 
aforesaid being of Sound mind, memory and understanding do make this my Last 
Will and testament in manner, and form following(To Wit) after the payment 
of all my Just debts I will divide and bequeath all my Estate both real 
and personal consisting of the tract of Land or plantation whereon I now live
one negro all my stock plantation tools house hold and kitchen furniture and
money or any other property I may have at my death to my wife Sarah Grooms 
during her natural Life and after the death of my wife I will and divide 
all the aforesaid property to Cornelius London(?) in trust nevertheless for
the sole and separate use of my Daughter (by my present wife)Mary C. Brown 
the wife of William H. Brown, during the term of her natural Life and after
her death - equal portions among all her children the increase of my negro
girl Fanny (another word illegible) but not Fanny herself who I will after
the death of my Daughter to my grand Daughter Mary J. Brown absolutely and 
forever and Lastly I nominate and appoint Cornelius London trustee and 
Executor of this my Last Will and testament.
        In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 13th 
day of April 1846.
Signed and Sealed in the                         John (x) Grooms
Presence of us
        W. J. Singleton
        W. J. Tisdale
        John D. Jones


Will of George Grumes, Charleston County, SC

Box 48, No 3 Know all men by these Presents that I George Grumes of the parish of St James Goose Creek and the State of South Carolina planter do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, and first of all I direct that my body be decently interred in the burying ground Known as the Platt burying ground located about one mile to the East of the State road &about 25 miles from Charleston &that my Executors have a suitable monument erected to mark the spot where my dust "rests in hope" And as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with I dispose of the same as follows viz First I direct that my legal debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my decease as possible out of the first monies that shall come into the hands of my Executors from any portion of my estate real or personal. Second I do hereby vest in my Executors full power and authority to dispose my plantation or tract of land known as "Travellers home" or Saw Mill Containing more or less with the Steam Saw Mill now on the place to an approved purchaser for one fourth cash &the balance in four annual instalments with interest from day of sale security bond and mortgage with personal security. Third I direct that the plantation implements tools waggons carts mules &houses be sold as soon circumstances will admit or wisdom may point out. Fourthly I direct that my stock of cattle hogs &sheep be gathered at a proper time &be sold to the best advantage. Fifth I give my wife Elizabeth the choice of one of my horses with my Barouchs and harnesses, twenty cows &calves my household and Kitchen furniture and the entire stock of poultry to be and remain her absolute property. Also the entire portion and property which she heired from her father at his decease. Also I wish her to have the use and income arising from the place or tract of land now known as Grumesville containing 67 acres more or less to be hers during her pleasure or life &the monies arising from the rents of the houses in the village to be paid over to her annually for her support &at the death of my Wife the said place and perquisites with the rents to be propriated for the benefit support and comfort of the Officiating Minister who may have charge of the Goose Creek Baptist Church called Bethlehem for the support of the Gospel at that place. Sixthly after all my debts is paid off I direct that my negroes be sold &my beloved Wife be given one half of the amount of all my property as her portion in addition to the above &the other half of the amount of my property to be equally divided to my first Cousins. Seventhly I request that Mr. Samuel Lynes my brother in law be priviledged to occupy the house and lot which he now resides in as a Summer residence in Grumesville as long as himself or family be pleased to do by paying a rent of ten dollars per annum to be appropriated as already specified. Also after the decease of my beloved Wife Elizabeth I direct that my own house and residence in Grumesville with the lot connected be given to George Lynes the son of George Lynes to him and his legal heirs on the same condition of paying annually the sum of ten dollars to be appropriated as already directed. Eightly I do now appoint as my Executors the Revd Samuel Lynes &John McCullers to carry out my purposes and wishes herein expressed this twenth fourth day of September One thousand eight hundred and forty eight &in witness whereof I sign my name. George Grumes (Seal) Witnesses E. Nicholes, Theo. C. Tharin, D. G. Hough NB In addition to the above I give to my Wife the entire crop on the plantation. George Grumes (Seal) Proved before M T Mendenhall Esqr O C D 24 October 1848 and on the same day Revd Saml: Lynes, &Jno McCullers qualified as Exors: Thereof Recorded in Will Book K ;1845-1851 Recorded on Page 220


Will of James Grume

In the name of God whose Will be done Amen I James Grume of Charles Town in the Province of South Carolina Gentleman being in Perfect health and of sound mind and memory do make &ordain my last Will and Testament as follows. First my Will is that all my Just debts and funeral Charges (which Charges I desire my not Exceed fifty pounds Sterling) be well and truly paid and satisfyed. Also I give and bequeath to my Nephew David Grume son of my Brother William deceas'd one Hundred Pounds Sterling to be paid him or his Afsigns within one Year after my death. Also I give and devise all the Rest and residue of my Estate both real and personal to my Dearly Beloved Wife Isabella Grume her heirs Exors Admors and Afsigns forever lastly I constitute and appoint my said Wife sole Executrix of this my last will revoaking and making absolute void and null all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made And I do hereby pronounce publish and declare this only to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Charles Town in South Carolina the fifth day of August in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and forth six in the presence of three credible Witnefses who in my presence and at my Request subscribed their Hands at the same time as Witnefses thereto. James Grume Signed sealed pronounced published and Declared by the Testator as his last will and Testament in the presence of us Recorded the 30th Jany 1754 who in his presence and at his Request sign'd our Names as Witnefses thereto Childermast Croft B. Harvey David Rumph Recorded from Will Book No. 1752-1756, Page #154


Will of Isaac Grooms

In the name of God Amen I Isaac Grooms of the State of South Carolina Charleston District being infirm in Body but of Sound mind and Memory and Calling to mind the Mortality of the body and the Immortality of the Sole do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking and disannuling all and every other will or wills made by me or for my use whatsoever, Imprimis I will and bequeath that my Body be Buried in Christian like manner at the descretion of my Executors to be hereafter named, and that all of my Just debts be paid out of the proceeds of my Estate Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Tully Groomes all of my Property that I may pofsefs at the time of my death Lastley in order to carry this my lst will and testament into full and due execution thereof I do hereby appoint my True and trusty friend Thomas Bosher as Executor to this my last will &Testament, In witnefs whereof I here unto set my hand and Seal, this 22nd day of Novr 1817. his Isaac (///) Groomes mark Mary M. Savage his Thomas (x) Machlevean Mark (Recorded in Will Book AA Pge 148) Recorded 30th Day of May 1818 Geo Andrews J.P. Bundle 42 Pkge 12


Will of John Grooms

Box 76, No. 22 The State of South Carolina Charleston District In the name of God, Amen. I John Grooms Senr. Of St. John's Parish in the State and district aforesaid being in perfect health and of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praised be God for the same do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I give and devise unto my dear Wife the plantation on which I now live containing three hundred and twenty eight acres more or less situated in the Parish of St. Johns Berkley together with all my stock of hogs Cattle horses provisions and household and kitchen furniture during the term of her natural life and after her death I give and devise the said plantation and one bed and bedding unto My son Nelson Grooms and the stock of Cattle &hogs and the house hold and Kitchen furniture to be equally divided between my daughters Mary A. Bunch and Frances Grooms also I already give unto my son John Grooms Junr. A tract of Two hundred and Seven acres more or lefs of land in St. James Goose Creek parish on which he now lives as his share of my Estate both real and personal and likewise I have given unto my son Robert Grooms a tract of two hundred and thirteen Acres more or less of land on which he now lives part in St. James Parish Goose Creek and part in St. John's Berkley as his share of my Estate both real and personal, and I also have given my son Lewis Groom a tract of two hundred and ten Acres more or less of land situated part in St. James Goose Creek and part in St. Johns Berkley Parishes as his Share of my Estate both real and personal. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Son Lewis Grooms Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills and testaments at any time heretofore by me made and do declare this my last Will and testament. In witness whereof I have subscribed my name and my hand and seal the 24 day of April in the Year of our Lord 1849. his James X Grooms (LS) mark Signed Sealed declared and Published by the above named John Grooms Senr. as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witness there to, the word hundred being interlined before signed. his his Richard Seabrook (LS) John X Joyner (LS) Robert X Grooms (LS) mark mark his Lewis X Grooms mark Proved before George Buist Esquire O.C.D. the 22nd day of Decr. 1852 at the same time qualified Mr. Lewis Grooms Executor Recorded from Will Book No. L 1851-1856, Page #122


Will of John Grume

In the Name of God Amen, February the sixteenth 1776 I John Grume of the parish of St. James's Goose Creek, Being sick in body but of good &sound Memory thanks be to Almighty God &Calling to Remembrance the unCertain estate of this transitory life &that all flesh must yeild to Death, when it shall please God to call, do make, constitute ordain &declare this my last will &testament in manner &form; following revoking &annulling by these present all &every testament or testaments will or wills heretofore by me made &declared either by words or writing &this Only to be taken for my last Will &Testament &none Other And first being penitent &sorry from the bottom of my heart for my Sins past, most humbly desire forgivnefs for the same I give &Commit my Soul unto almighly God my Saviour &Redeemer in whom &by the Merits of Jesus Christ I trust & believe afsuredly to be saved &to have full remifsion &forgivenefs of all my sins, & that my Soul with my Body at a general Day of the Resurrection, shall rise again with joy, & through the Merits of Christ's death &pafsion pofsefs & inherit the Kingdom of heaven prepared for his elect & chosen & my Body to be buried in Such place where it shall please my executors hereafter named to appoint And now, for the Settling of my temporal estates &Such goods, chattels and Debts as it hath pleased God, for above my deserts to bestow upon me I do order, give &dispose of the same in Manner &form following that is to Say first I desire all my Just debts to be fully paid & Satisfied as soon as conveniency will admit after my decease by my Executors hereafter Named Item I give and Bequeath to my loving Wife, the free use & enjoyment of all my Estate of what nature or kind soever During her life Item my Will is that after my Wifes Death, my whole estate be divided equally Share &Share alike between my children, by my Executors hereafter Named, Yet Neverthelefs be it allways under stood that should my Wife be pregnant at the time of my Death and after, bring forth a live born Child by me begotten that then, & in such Case, such Child be born shall be entitled to and Receive An equal Share of my Estate with the rest of my Children the same as if it had been born before my Decease And Lastly I do hereby constitute & appoint my trusty Friends John Wright and John Morgandollar to be Executors of this my last Will &Testament desiring them to perform & fulfill every Matter therein Specified as witnefe my hand John Grooms (L.S.) Witnefs John Burnett Junr. Sarah (her mark) Burnett Recorded in Will Book 1774-1779 Recorded on Page 372

This document maintained by SCKR.