A new world is unfolding,
For three we love this year;
We watch them cross a threshold,
As we shed a tear.

Sweet memories of childish games,
Fill our hearts and minds;
We have watched them grow and learn,
As their paths in life they find.

Beth has put in many hours,
An Associates Degree to earn;
She wants to work with children,
So much more she will learn.

Colleen is graduating high school,
A new life she will start;
She'll continue her studies,
Learning what is in her heart.

Casey, too, leaves high school,
On to college she will go;
I pray she finds happiness,
And that which makes her whole.

Three lives that will change,
I pray they will grow;
I pray that in their busy lives,
Their Savior they will know.

©Sandra S. Oidtman

©Penny Parker - Artist

 ©Majestic Websets