From a glorious throne in heaven above,
The Son of God gazed down on earth;
His Father said, " Save them, Son!"
It must have filled His heart with mirth.

We didn't deserve to be saved by Him,
We'd rejected God and lived in sin;
But He came as a wee small babe,
Born in a stable in Bethlehem.

The stable was dirty from the animals there,
As Mary gave birth to Emmanuel;
He had only swaddling cloths to wear,
But there were angels of His birth to tell.

Angels appeared to shepherds that night,
Lowly men who tended their sheep
"Good news we have for all of man."
So they rushed to find the babe asleep.

A special star shone in the sky,
It guided three kings from the east;
They brought gifts to our new born king,
This humble child lying where animals feast.

So Christmas is truly a birthday party,
Celebrated for the Lord of lords and King of kings;
Amid the bustle of the holiday,
Let's remember for Whom we sing.


©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2013 


