I received a little good news today,
I found it in God's Word I read;
He will never leave my side,
So I have nothing ever to dread.
He has always loved me so,
Though it took time to find His way;
He never gave up on me,
And now I have joy this day.
A little good news fills my heart,
For now I can claim His peace;
From all my mistakes and all my sins,
I have now found blessed release.
I am free because of Jesus,
He died to save my soul;
His Word is filled with good news,
If the writings I get to know.
Here is a little good news,
This news pertains to you;
You can also find joy and peace,
Because He died to save you, too.
Please don't hesitate to claim the prize,
Waiting only lets you miss out more;
Let my Jesus hold your heart,
And guide you to heaven's golden door.
©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2013