I know that I am saved by grace,
From a Lord who loves me dearly;
But when I look around this land,
I see too many aren't, so clearly
God once reigned in our land,
His laws guided our lives;
But now men are filled with greed,
And women are taking wives.
God is being chased out of our country,
By a minority of men;
They don't want our loving God,
Because they so obviously sin.
But one day our Lord will return,
For He is mighty and just;
Evil men will pay the price,
For God declares they must.
It breaks my heart to see those lost,
I want everyone to know God's peace;
With the Savior in your life,
All inner turmoil will cease.
God loves you and will give you the grace,
Believe in Jesus, His glorious Son;
Repent of your sins and confess,
Then with God, let your race be run.
Sandra S. Oidtman - 2015