Make a joyful noise,
For God is good to all;
He doesn't show preference,
He loves the short and tall.
Make a joyful noise,
For my Jesus, He saves;
He brought me out of darkness,
His word I find I crave.
Make a joyful noise,
My soul will sing His glory;
For I put my trust in Him,
And I need never worry.
Make a joyful noise,
God's peace fills my soul;
I am no longer anxious,
For Jesus I've come to know.
Make a joyful noise,
A broken heart He can mend;
A shattered life He can heal,
And all our troubles He can tend.
Make a joyful noise,
Sing praises loud and clear;
Jesus is always with us,
And He calms all our fears.
©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2013