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~Ondine~ This is my special angel, always seems to be there when I need her the most. Has one of the cutest giggles you will ever hear, one of the warmest smiles, and a heart of gold. No wonder I fell in love with her. Anyone who knows her will tell you that their life has been brighten by her friendship. Sweetheart, I will always be your guardian for life, with big caring hugs and soft kisses forever. more

~Kitten~ A good friend she is, especially considering the bad times we had Just to show that 2 friends can have a major argument and still be friends. Love sharing work experiences with her, still seeing that the same things are still going on as when I worked there. Hopefully we will get to meet soon.

~Betty~ Someone special that I met just recently. Always enjoy talking with her, feels like I have known her all my life. Hugs and kisses

~SHEEBA~ One special lady whom I fondly think of. We became such good friends in such a short time, with so much in common. Someone I know is and will be there for me as I for her. Don't know what I would do without her. Definitely the woman of my dreams. Just waiting for the time when I finally get up there to meet you. I love you sweetie, you are very special to me.

~STAR~ My first friend that I met at the bar. Always keeping me laughing, in a good mood, able to talk about everything. Always a smile on her face, with love for everyone. One special person.

~Pink Panther~ My dearest friend in special lady there...introduce me to one special lady.....loves to kid alot, lots of fun to be with my true confidante in cyber world, knows more about me than most anyone. Pinkie, don't know what I would do without our little chats.

~Lady Cyber~ The perfect angel, someone that is very special to me. When I first started chatting in the chatrooms, she was the first to befriend me. Always there for me when I need her, besides can't wait to take her on playing pool. *lol* Also, another hockey fan, even though she likes the wrong team, just kidding, but the Blues are better.

~Chypsy~ Probably by for, my best friend in real life. She got me hook on the chatroom scene, for which I greatly appreciate it. Where else could I have made so many friends in such a short time. Known her for over 7 years now, and each day she becomes more special to me.

~Emerald Eyes~ One peach of a girl...short time I've known her, she's witty, charming and always alot of fun to be with. Help me alot with some problems I'm dealing with. Thanks hon for your help.

~Lucky~ Another good friend. Been there for me many times, always a smile on her face. Keeps things going in our chatroom, especially when it starts slowing down. Not afraid to take on challenges, like our reunion, did a fantastic job on it, even though not as many people showed up. Never change girl, you are going to go far with whatever you choose to do.

~LKM~ One who I became such good friends with in such a short time. Love talks about kids, teaching and learning new things everyday. Been a stabilizer in my life, keeping me on track. There for me when needed as I am for her.

~KIWI~ Teacher of the computer for me for she help me with a few things on my page. Always willing to help others with just about anything they need. Don't talk as much with her as I would like, but I know if I need any help, she will be there for me.

~Sassy~ Nickname the devil, as only she can be. Alot of fun to be with but she hasn't been around much lately. Great kidder and trouble maker in the room, but always in the friendly way. Knows how to get the room rocking.

~Cloud9~ Cheerful and friendly...two words that definitely fit her...especially loves her hugz hippo hugz that only she can give...

~Mel~ A friend from the old days that has returned. A girl of many names, someone that keeps you on your toes. Knows how to brighten up the room as only she knows.

~Poison~ One of my two computer experts. Whenever I have any problems, she's there to help me out. Great person to talk with, joke around with. Alot of fun to be with.

~Bluejay~ My other computer expert. Just waiting for the day when the two of us can get together and work on my page. Always willing to help others in need, especially us that are computer illiterate. Thanks hon.

~Aura~ One of my new friends on the net, who's always there to listen to you, always upbeat, friendly with everyone. Know I will come and visit her when I come down there and visit her good friend Star.

~Sinderella~ A real sweetheart....scary how the more we talk, the more we find we have in common. One of my latenight friends, someone who's judgement I trust, and always there for me when I am down. One of the few that are able to bring me out of the dumps by just being there.

~Mariah~ Always there for me. Helps solve my problems as well as I help hers. My southern belle who's always friendly, willing to help anyone. anyone. One of these days, will be down there to see you hon.

~Okie~ Our wascally of these days, must get her computer fix, so she doesn't keep get booted, but still alot of fun to be with.

~Missy~ One special person...always cheerful, keeps everyone on their toes, loves to get all of us out on the dance floor. Love all your questionaires hon....don't change

~Tilly~ Someone new that I just met, always keeping everyone in the chat in a good mood, a pleasure to know and to call a friend. Hope to see more of you in the future. hugs

~Shygirl~ One of my newest friends from Oz....tries her best every night to pull me from my corner. Most of the time she succeeds, and always put a smile on my face.

~Jule~ A newcomer to our group that fits perfectly. Always friendly, upbeat, someone you can never stay in a bad mood when you are with her. A perfect jewel.

~Charlie girl~ Don't see as much of her as I like to, cndidering we became friends from the the first time we chatted. Always knows what to send me to keep me in a good mood. Always a smile on her face.

~Veronica~ Something special about this girl. Don't come into the bar much anymore, but when she does, the room lights up. Of course, keep wondering why she wnats me out of my clothes so much..*lol*...

~Zelena~ My newest friend on the net, funloving and sometimes a little crazy, but you have to love her for it.

~Jenny~ Another friend from the old days, one that I never talked with that much then, but now that she reappeared, we became fast friends. Just goes to show that age difference doesn't mean a thing when you have pleasant company, and someone who likes to joke around with. Been there for me as well when I need someone to talk to.

~Legs~ Someone new that I just met, seen her around alot, but never talk with her much before. Very pleasant company and enjoyable to be with. Enjoyed our wine and cheese brunches very much at poolside.

~Ann~ Another new friend...somewhat pesky, but in a cute way...knows what she wants and determined to get of the qualities I like about her. Always a joy to see her, with that big smile on her face.

~Katrina~ My adventurous friend, not only beautiful, but smart as well. Not only loves to have alot of fun, but cares for the cultural things as well. Like me, likes the outdoors, as well as going to see live plays on stage. A great lover of art she is.

~Honeysuckle~ Love this girl to death, for she is a great friend to have. Not only a great listener, but great with her advice. My one wish for her is for all the happiness she deserves.

~Cami~ What a sweetheart of a woman, we hit it off from the beginning. She's a lot of fun to be with, only wish she had the net at home, so we can talk more. Found a lot of things that we have very much in common with...*S*....

~Spitfire~ My one main friend in the chat even though we are still new to each other. Thanks hon for always being there for me when I am feeling a little down. She has always been able to bring me up from being down, and keep on shaking hon....hugssssss and kissessssss

~Joette~ Just met her recently, haven't talk much with her, but from watching her, she seems to a lot of fun, very outgoing.

~@ngelica~ My new Swedish friend, still learning more about her everyday, know that she is alot of fun to be with. *S*

~Sexxxy Lady~ Now here is a woman that knows how to have a good time, and makes sure that she does. She always brings a smile to my face whenever we talk, just wish we had more time to talk with each other....*hugs & kisses*

~Wild Vampire Thing~ Here is a lady that has helped me through alot of trouble times lately, and I want to say thanks for being there. You are a true friend, and I am glad you were there when you were. She's fun-loving, a joy to be with, has a great sense of humor...*hugs and kisses*

~Cateyes~ One special lady from my home state of Missouri, who loves to have a good time. Always a smile on her face, laughing, someone that keeps a smile on my face whenever we talk. One of my few guardians out there that keeps me sane. Luv ya hon....hugssssss and kissesss.

~Chantillie~ Another fair maiden from my home state. Haven't talked with her much, but when we do, she has that special aura about her that keeps me smiling. Have never seen her in a foul mood yet..*s*......hugsss

~Marion~ A dear friend from England...always there when I need someone to talk to, someone that I drive crazy at times with my secret coded messages....*lol* ...but a good friend to everyone, with her bubbly personality. hugsssss

~Earth Angel~ Another special friend that is new...someone who is very enjoyable to be with. If I could grant her one wish, it would be for her to be able to go back to England, to visit her parents. Had many of chuckles while talking to her, as she is also one of a bubbly personality....hugssss

~Cindy~ Another new friend that I met, a fun loveing gal....someone that tries and mostly succeed in getting me out of my corner. Don't find many gals that love Nascar like she does, hoping you are able to come up when they run here in St. Louis. hugssssss

~Jenna Rose~ A good friend here, someone that I know I will always be able to confide in. Always puts a smile on my face whenever we talk, either in chatrooms or on ICQ. One of the best sense of humors you will find. Any questons about sex and food, she's the one to ask. *lol* JR, you know what I'm talking about here.

~Tori~ My newest friend on the net, always looks forward to our little chats whenever we can. Thank you for understanding My difficulties, when I have to abruptly leave, and waiting so patiently for My return. Know that it is hard for you, to interrupt our chats like I do, so thank you for being so understanding. One of these days, we will have an uninterrupted conversation, and won't know how to act..*l* Always have big hugs and warm kisses for you.

For all the ladies...*smile*

If I forgot anyone, please email me and I will get you on as fast as I can. This list is far from over, for everyone that I talk with are very special.

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