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Josh Blaylock Interview Summer 2003

GIJoePrices - Devils Due apparently has quite a bit of liberties when it comes to characters that are included and aren’t included with what seems like not a lot of pressure from Hasbro. But if you had to, which of the new toys would you like to see fleshed out more in the comic?

Blaylock - The story line they've crafted between Barrel Roll and his siblings is very cool. I also wouldn't mind playing around with the new scout, Dart. Most of the characters are the ones I grew up with, though, so I'm already getting to play with them. Oh, the new Iron Grenadiers are BEAUTIFUL.

GIJoePrices - With the Spy Troops movie, a rumored video game and a constant stream of new figures hitting the shelves, do you feel Devils Due isn’t getting the recognition that it deserves for helping resurrect a dead Hasbro property?

Blaylock - I'll leave that up to fans :) We're not in a competition here, though. I want to work WITH Hasbro to create what's best for G.I.JOE. I know that sounds a little like pandering, but it's the truth. If we're able to pull off some of our ideas working together in '04, everyone will be pleasantly surprised.

GIJoePrices - Was the first few issues of GIJoe Reinstated part of the original pitch you did for Hasbro? If not, what was included?

Blaylock - You nailed it. It was actually a few different pages from issue 1. It included a splash page of Cobra Commander and the "roster" page of Cobras on Duke's big monitor.

GIJoePrices - If given the chance, would you have done any of the other 80’s properties that have found new life in comic form?

Blaylock - Transformers is a no brainer. I would have loved to do our take on Thundercats early on. He-Man I would have liked to work on, but not under the restrictions of the new cartoon.

GIJoePrices - Often times GIJoe (mainly the cartoon) is labeled too soft due to the lack of casualties. Do you think it’s necessary for a book to keep the violence down to keep a larger audience?

Blaylock - More than that, it has to be okay for a KID audience. Despite making it as edgy as possible, at the end of the day we're working with a TOY company here, so we have to abide by the fact that this is a kids property. Fortunately for all of the older fans out there, we're able to do more than some licenses allow.

GIJoePrices - Skeptics have noted that the end of the 80’s “fad” is inevitable, do you think that is so?

Blaylock - It IS inevitable. Good thing G.I.Joe isn't an 80's fad.

GIJoePrices - What was your favorite and least favorite GIJoe figure as a kid?

Blaylock - Shipwreck and Snake-Eyes - favorites. Least favorite... hmm... Raptor or Crystal Ball are up there.

GIJoePrices - Is there any specific character (old or new) that you could do without?

Blaylock - No one specifically. When you're given a lemon, make lemonade and all that.

GIJoePrices - Obviously you’ve just had a very hectic couple of years. Are you afraid that spreading yourself so thin between so many titles might weaken your books’ stories? And if so, is that why you’ve chosen to back down from the Joe books for now?

Blaylock - Well, partially maybe. Most people are saying the stories now are the best they've ever been for our run, and yet I'm busier now than ever before :) As the president of the company, though, I have obligations to fulfill that will allow me to have MORE time for the creative, fun stuff later, which is what we all want. So if that makes any sense... I'm doing LESS now, so I can do MORE later.

GIJoePrices - Some of the characters in Misplaced look a bit familiar, but have you put anyone you know into the new Joe pages?

Blaylock - A few of the background characters here and there were loosely based on friends of mine, but you can look for a couple "winks and nods" towards some fellow Hasbro/Industry people in some upcoming issues - namely the Jugglers. It's always fun to make your friends and family the BAD guys :)

GIJoePrices - Not many people buried in the freighter during the Marvel run have actually stayed dead. I believe only a few have yet to come aknockin' on Cobra's doors, now with the return of Serpentor one has to wonder will anyone else return?

Blaylock - Well, there's that new Crocodile Hunter meets Croc Master comedy we're working on...

GIJoePrices - Whom do you feel plays the most important role in the Joe universe right now (DD run)? Or have we yet to see them? In other words, who should we be keeping an eye on?

Blaylock - It's hard to downplay Snake-Eyes central role in keeping the Joe universe tied together, but G.I.Joe doesn't really rely on any ONE character. It's the constant challenge any writer faces, actually, when dealing with the Joe vs. Cobra mythos.

GIJoePrices - What would you say is the single most significant (or your favorite) story arc of the original Marvel run?

Blaylock - Cobra Civil War

GIJoePrices - If you haven’t already in the new book, do you plan on touching on that subject?

Blaylock - The Return of Serpentor can't help but do that.

GIJoePrices - Some might call the secondary market for Joe figures a bit insane, what is the most you have ever spent on a collectible, not necessarily GIJoe. (But if you want to list that too that’d be great.)

Blaylock - I'm not a big "collector" guy. I definitely have more toys and kitsch than, say, your "normal" twenty-six year old guy, but I don't chase after the high priced items. I'm in the fortunate position now of getting more than enough collectibles for free, so I'm not complaining :)

GIJoePrices - Tell us the truth, do you ever look around on any of the GIJoe message boards for popular consensus on what to add to a story or what to stay away from?

Blaylock - I check 'em out every now and then, usually when new issues come out, to see what the general consensus is. I limit my time, though, or it will drive me crazy, AND eat up my day. Fan reactions to the stories has only improved since I quit looking at the boards as much, so I should probably keep it that way. If a dozen people on a board say the same thing, though, it's probably worth considering. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

GIJoePrices - And on that note, I have to ask… is Kamukura the author of the letter that Snake Eyes responded to in issue 155 of the Marvel run?

Blaylock - Would you like him to be? :) You know I can't answer that.

GIJoePrices - Great, I just wanted to say that we all greatly appreciate the hard work you’ve gone through to bring back a great title that we all know and love.