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G.I.Joe Links
These are a few of the coolest G.I.Joe sites on the web. Stalker's Domain is where I got the layout for this site. I would like to thank Sheldon for that, check him out! YoJoe is no doubt the largest G.I.Joe site out there and hands down the best! The Paulgrant Checklist is a great website and a perfect way to keep track of your collection. I think this site is a great compliment to his. Grandslam's Landing Pad has a price guide to G.I.Joe accessories and I think that it fits with this site perfectly. If are looking for a foreign figure price guide head on over to TNT's Web Camp.
Also I wanted to say that if anyone wants to link to the price guide you may use this banner here. Thanks a bunch and come back often!

Pay yer due's damn it!
Hey look at that! They have GIJoe in comic books now!

My favorite is WORMS but there isn't a single drawing that I don't like.
Hands down the best GIJoe art I have ever scene!

R.I.P. - News section!
Rawesome site with a bunch o stuff to keep ya busy!

They have a price guide too.
I don't have to explain this one.

Action Figure Checklist!
Keep up on your collection and look at others.

Report to Sentinel when you find something new!
This is how I find all the new stuff!.

Because I'm too lazy for international prices!
How much is your Glenda worth? Click above.

They have a Strongbad and Trogdor!
Can't get enough of customs? Neither can they!

Did Hardtop come with a gun?
The only accessory price guide.

He's really good at photoshop.
Cool site with a ton of original pics of the toys in action.

Click here fool!
A site Dedicated to A Real American Hero!

Everything you ever wanted to know about the comic and a little more!

I bought my clear Zartan from here.  Then I found out he came with a knife and had to go find it where I opened the box.
Great place to shop with a searchable database.

Just try and take one of their images!
Settle down guys you aren't really G.I.Joe. (yet)

He was in a gang!
Looks like it hasn't been updated in a while.

You wrong!  And you ugly too!
These are just a few of the Transformer sites that I like to visit when I feel lonely.