"fArLeY'z F*CkEd Up FrAsEz!"
Well, the majority of u that stop into my site know the man pictured above. For thoze of u who don't know him, well....that's not wut hiz face looks like for real...hiz face izn't stuck like that! LOL ANYWAYZ, this kid iz alwayz able to make me laugh, whether I'm down more than anythin or I'm jus even happy to begin with!! Over the summer he(along with hiz original mind) made a whole BUTTLOADA wise sayingz, jokes, anecdotes, and special tips, and every so often he'd I.M. me outa nowhere sayin a few of em. So i told him i wuz gona make a page on here jus for him and everythin he made this summer. So click on the smiley facez below(one at a time of course). Hope u guyz laugh az much az i did(and still do!)