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Benor: Yes, links. What any good web page hopes to have. Here are a number of quality and/or enjoyable sites for your eyes to peruse after being satisfied, disgusted or uninterested in this one.
Twist of Fate: A quality fanfic, written by an intelligent associate of mine called Takira. While I have given a (small) amount of input on it, everything important in there is of her own creation.

Dark Ki:Another quality fanfic, written by a man known to me as Ridureyu. Again, I gave some small input for him, but only on the site itself, never on the story; I suggested the section known as "Who were they in DBZ?" After that, he took it and ran with it.

Dominion:Reprise:Yet another quality fanfic (noticing a pattern here?), this one cannot be properly described without ruining the plot. Just read it; even if you don't understand any part of it, you'll probably enjoy the ride.

Anzu's Site: A site that branches out a little more than the last two, Anzu also mixes in some humor, such as having Cell as a tour guide, and Cell vs. Pikachu-Rounds 1 and 2. (I recommend round 2.)
(Paladin : I strongly recommend the particle man video!)

An Untold Future: A story that takes MANY liberties with the DBZ story line, setting it many years in the future. If you need one of these five characters (Trunks, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Goku) to enjoy a story, look elsewhere; however, if you read it anyway (you should), you'll find a good plot, with only an occasional typo to distract nitpickers.

Dragonball:Legacy I'm sorry I don't have more to say on it at this time, but I'll need to read it again; it's been a while.

Dragonshift: A very different treatment of DBZ, Dragonshift takes your assumptions about characters and turns them sideways, 180 degrees from there, sin of an angle you thought you'd finally forgotten, and then turns it diagonal just to be difficult. Throughout it all, it retains its air of seriousness, a testament to the strong writing; it sometimes uses those twists to a humorous end as well. A very strong fanfic, in my opinion.




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