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March 17th meeting minutes

The second KCAR club meeting of the year came to order at 1:10 PM in the afternoon. In attendance were 13 members.

Jerome Tonneson gave an introductory demonstration of Aerotech & Dr. Rocket reloadable motors. Jerome pointed out differences between the comercial and consumer reloadable systems and how they were not compatible with one another. Both systems however use the reloadable propellants and delay charges available from Aerotech. Jerome showed how to assemble the various pieces of a reload kit into a complete motor, pointed out things the hobbyist should be clear about to provide safe and reliable performance. Jerome also showed some igniters he made himself using the Magnelite igniter kit and also a nifty radio frequency tracking device with the transponder able to fit in a small BT50 size body tube to help retrieve those prized reloadables.

Next, the treasury was given an up to date figure of $255.98. This includes the club concession and launch fees of $36.00 from the March 10th launch and two new members to the club for another $24.00. We would like all our members to welcome Bill Hensley and Patrick Nelson to KCAR. Also Paul Campbell is considering joining in the club as he was in attendance in the meeting also. Bob Wingate reported he still has the funds for the section renewal and will send them in as they are due to NAR by April 1st.

Our club P.A. systems are currently under construction. Jerome purchased a new battery (with charger) which was used at our last launch. Also, Jerome was reimbursed $100.51 for the P.A. system and the battery. Battery cost was $47.08 and current P.A. costs were $53.43. We are going to hold out a bit longer on purchasing the PA from Radio Shack hoping that we can get it on sale some time.

Larry Zeilmann informed us that he still needs to get with his brother-in-law about a possible high power flight field in Redding, KS.

Next was a discussion on attracting and retaining club members. Much discussion was spent on this concerning the benefits of a club and ways of attracting members. Basically the club has established launch equipment, a certified insured flight field, knowledgeable members to lend their expertise or hard learned lessons, all of which benefit new members to get into rocketry with the ground work laid out for them. Our research shows that the most new members learn about us from the website, with possibly club cards, word of mouth, and hobby shop flyers also being useful.

It was also decided that the evening of Monday, April 2nd we would have and informal get together at the Trails West library meeting room to watch a movie such as Apollo 13 and have a pizza and popcorn night. Details to follow on the website.

The company order for Quest was postponed until May for various reasons. Also the contest for April is still set at the 2nd weekend launch. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM.

Minutes reported by Ralph Simons, NAR #47629

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