The first meeting of the Kansas City Association of Rocketry for 2005 was held at the Trails West Library with election of officers, setting the 2005 schedule, and setting up the annual display case for the library.
The secretary was not present at the last meeting so no minutes were read but for old business, copies of the submitted 2004 section highlights were given out for review. See a copy of this report at the bottom of this page. We reflected on 2004 memories and the passing of Gordon Cooper one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts that had "The Right Stuff".
- First order of business was to elect officers. After some discussion regarding the rules of order, statements of the charter, and willingness to
serve of those present and not present, the president entertained nominations for officers.
Alan nominated Dave Bucher for another term as president; seconded by Dave Lucas.
Christian nominated Tim B. for president, seconded by Randall.
Alan nominated Christian for another term as Secretary/Treasurer; seconded by
Christian nominated Mark B. for Vice President; seconded by Tim Burger.
Randall nominated Bob W. for Vice President; seconded by Alan.
Alan nominated Tim B. for Sr. Adviser; seconded by Randall.
Dave M. nominated Dave L. for Sr. Adviser; seconded by Christian.
Dave L. nominated Bob W. for Member at Large; seconded by Alan.
Dave M. nominated Dave L. for Member at Large; seconded by ?
The names were read off, paper was passed out and a vote taken. The Secretary collected the ballots, and read them off as they were tallied. The following is the result:
President: Dave Bucher 5, Tim B. 4
Vice President: Mark Bazinet 7, Bob W. 2
Secretary/Treasurer: Christian Bruggeman 9
Sr. Adviser: Dave Lucas 6, Tim B. 3
Member at Large: Dave Lucas 6, Bob W. 3
Alan motioned to accept the votes as indicated; seconded by Tim B. The vote
was unanimous. Since its already 2005, these changes take effect
- The second order of business was to set a schedule for 2005 launches and
meetings. There was some discussion of the potential weekends, both the second and third were clear of holidays. We briefly discussed other club schedules
(KOSMO, Columbia, KLOUD Busters, and SMART) and major events such as LDRS and
Alan motioned to set the third Saturday of the month for launches, following the previous years calendar for locations. Seconded by Dave L. Tim brought up the TARC launches, and the three school demos already planned. The motion was amended to include these dates and to add a Fly N Fry meet to the July launch. In addition, the records sponsorship that Dave L. volunteered to organize was added to the July launch. The motion was seconded by Dave Bucher. A vote was then taken - motioned carried unanimously.
Other events for the year would include an April 15th demo launch for Ellsworth, KS Elementary, a May 13th rocket launch for Piper Middle School (date pending), and a May 18th rocket launch for Clardy Elementary. Volunteers agreed to help with one or more events and their help will be greatly appreciated.
- The third order of business was to select contest events for the three
contests. The events have been discussed somewhat on the clubs Yahoo group.
After some discussion Alan motioned that we select the events via the on-line
group. Seconded by Dave L. Motion carried.
- Fourth order of business (after some prompting by Tim) was to re-charter
the club for the year, and cover the Tickwood Ranch and Case Farms with
supplementary insurance. This was briefly discussed, and a motion made to
that effect by Tim, spending $55 dollars out of the treasury - $25 for the
charter, and $15 for each field. The motion was seconded by Dave B., and Alan suggested
that we add this insurance for the New Mark school launch as well. It was
determined that the New Mark field, being public property, is probably not
insurable and isn't necessary anyway since a formal launch is not held
- Contest Directors for the 2005 year will be Christian Bruggeman for the Local Spring Fling, Dave Lucas in the July Fly n Fry (with record attempts) and Alan Shaffmaster for the Open Fall Roctoberfest. (Thanks for volunteering!)
- Meets Tim asked if we had sufficient supplies to host three meets ribbons, forms, etc. The answer was that we have a few ribbons left and the prize box is getting a bit low. We still have a few kits donated by one of the rocket manufacturers. Tim made a motion to spend $50 on supplies, mostly ribbons, and $50 dollars for prizes for each of the three launches with half of the launch prize money to be spent on the grand prize (something to shoot for, so to speak). Seconded by Alan. No further discussion was made; motion carried unanimously.
The group had to adjourn due to running out of time but completed all of the tasks to hold another safe, fun, and educational year of rocketry for Kansas City and the surrounding area.
These minutes are a joint effort of Christian Bruggeman and Tim Burger from notes and memory. Feel free to point out any inaccuracies or mistakes and make clarifications that you might feel are needed. Thanks!
Summited by
R. Christian Bruggeman NAR #82573
NAR #505 Sec/Treasure
Tim Burger NAR 78486
Section Highlights for 2004
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KCAR #505
Kansas City Association of Rocketry
Kansas City Missouri
The Kansas City Association of Rocketry #505 was born to promote safe, fun, and educational launches in the Kansas City area. Highlights that continue for the group are providing ten official launches, two sanctioned contests plus a web site and yahoo group that is always ready to help or chat about rocketry.
Events that have engaged us this past year were several displays in Kansas City libraries, a Polar Bear launch, helping build and launch rockets for one hundred and three 8th grade science students, certifying several rocketeers to level oneness, working with various TARC groups, and fortunate to participate with Tim and Michael Navickas Alpha 40 project rockets. The website that is user friendly to visit even got an extreme makeover with the help of Tim Burger.
The 2005 events for the Kansas City group are aiming high with two additional school launches and demos, a cub scout launch, and the usual events of monthly launches including Spring and Fall contests. The future of the group and the sport lives in the youth of Kansas City.
We as KCAR #505 will continue to embrace and support them with our depth of knowledge and intrepid enthusiasm.
Keep watching the sky,
R. Christian Bruggeman
NAR #82573
NAR #505 Sec/Treasure
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Last updated: January 22, 2005