September 2006 Meeting Minutes
KCAR club meeting
Date: September 9, 2006
Time: 2 to 4PM
Loc: Trails West Library, Independence, MO
Meeting attendees:
- Martin Ashwill
- Dave Bucher
- Tim Burger
- David Lucas
- Alan Shaffmaster
- Bob Wingate
Reading of the previous meeting minutes: Accepted as submitted.
The treasurer gave a report:
Current Balance: $921.39
Three issues were covered by the treasurer:
First, after a review of bank statements, Bob discovered an error from 2005. Bob had made an entry on the 15th of July report indicating that on July 12th we'd spent $13.80 for new checks to be printed with the treasurer's address (instead of the Altoona Wisconsin NAR headquarters address.) These checks were never printed, so the treasurer's reports have been corrected to include the $13.80 in our favor. The report total now balances with the Bank Midwest statement. Bob asked if we want to go ahead and order the new checks now or wait until the election of officers for 2007. It was agreed to wait until 2007.
Second, Bob had reported that he hadn't been consistent in how dues had been collected from KCAR members who join at meetings or launches during the year. According to the KCAR bylaws, while returning members pay the full amount, new members have their dues pro-rated, depending on how many months after January that they join. At times I have forgotten that and collected the full yearly amount for new members. Bob proposed that we give these members a choice of either a refund, or of leaving the excess amount in the treasury as a donation.
Third, since we've loast access to the Tickwood Ranch launch site, we're now depending more heavily on the Shawnee Mission Park launch site. Since we're not allowed to collect money at SMP, Bob asked if we wanted to raise either our dues and/or our fees at other launch sites to compensate for that. If we did that, the bylaws require us to give prior notice for a vote on a propsed increase. We ddiscussed this proposal and came to a consensus to leave the dues as they are, and arrange with new members at the KCAR launches to meet us off site after the launch, or have them mail a check to the treasurer.
Old Business
- Upcoming Launch at Shawnee Mission Park We have a park permit to launch at the park for the September Contest and Sport launch. Launch setup is to begin at 8:00AM, with the contest actually starting at 9:00AM. We will be launching from field B.
- KCAR Trailer Vice-President Dave Bucher reminded us of our need for a trailer to hold and transport KCAR launch equipment in order to save time in loading and setup (and keep everthing together - TEB). Dave has located a four by four-foot trailer made of 11-guage steel that is highway ready. This trailer is at Harbor Freight and is on sale for $169.99; the cost would probably total more than $179.00 including the taxes. This is a flat bed trailer, and we would then build on what we need.
It was moved that we spend $179.00 on the trailer now and then later submit plans to complete the project. The club would then get together with Dave at an appointed time to finish the work. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
New Business
- Competition with Nearby NAR Sections Tim Burger reported that he had recently conversed with John Buckley of the St. Louis Rocketry Association regarding difficulties in having enough competitors at NAR sanctioned contest meets. John indicated that SLRA members would be willing to travel to KCAR to cmpete in our contests if we would commit to also traveling to SLRA contests to compete. There was a general agreement thtat this was needed, and it was suggested that this commitment should expand to include KOSMO in Wichita, and perhaps otherr NAR Sections in the general region.
Tim made a motion that we make a proclaation that:
In the interests promoting good-will with our fellow NAR sections, and in the intersts of encouraging contest flying in general and with a view to enhancing KCAR contest events, be it proclaimed that KCAR members are entreated to undertake attending two or more NAR sanctioned contests hosted by other NAR sections in the region per year. And that KCAR members might compete fiercly and show no quarter nor no mercy and completely trownce all comers and thereby make a fearsome name unto ourselves and that the very name KCAR might strike fear in the hearts of all contest fliers across our land, forever and ever.
Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
(Ok, that last part about the trouncing and fear and stuff isnt actually in the proclamation, that&3146;s put in there simply because it sounds good; our appologies to cast and crew of Monty Python and please forgive the liberal use of $0.98 words and unrestrained use of wherefore and unto, and general trashing of the kings English, etc., etc., etc., the person responsible has been sacked. TEB)
- Holiday Party David Lucas announced that he would host a holiday party at his place at the end of the year, and that there would be door prizes.
These minutes were recorded by Bob Wingate from notes and memory. They were subsequently transcribed into web format by Tim Burger and no doubt lose somewhat in translation. Please feel free to point out any inaccuracies or mistakes and make clarifications that you might feel are needed. Thanks!
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Last updated: January 11, 2007