February 25, 2008
Happy 10th Birthday KCAR!
Well, two Polar Bear launches are in the bag already this year, seems hardly possible. Weve had two very good launches the weather has been a bit frosty, and theres been snow on the ground both times, but the winds were light so the temps were bearable and the flying was outstanding. Thanks to Michael, whos arranged for us to use a large field North of Cameron. It may be possible to sponsor some High Power launches there this year.
In case you didnt know, we now have a duty free web site. Theres no advertising on the pages, and much more space for photos and video and various other things too. Look for us at kcrockets.org. Ill continue to keep this site updated as time allows for a while at least.
KCAR Home Page
Email: nar505@yahoo.com
Page last updated on February 25, 2008.