Classwork and Laboratory Activities
Improving Test Taking Skills: IB Action Terms
The following notes are the result of summaries presented in class. They are not intended to be exclusive. Students must review other classnotes, classwork and hand-outs when preparing for tests.
Population Growth presentation
Measuring Primary Productivity in Water
Analyzing Experimental Data notes
Sampling and Hypothesis Testing notes
Measuring Abiotic and Biotic Components notes
Matter and Energy Flow notes
Pyramids notes
Productivity and Energy flow notes
List of Assignments
Short assignments (10-20 points) will only be collected the day when they are due. No credit will be given to late short assignments.
Self-planned lab: Team Planning Sheet. August 19
Library research: Soil Degradation. September 10
Abiotic Parameters: Find Acceptable Values. September 10
Self-planned lab report due: Statistical Analysis of Data. September 12
Micrometereology lab due. October 13-14
Research Paper Final Form: Soil Degradation. October 20-21
Links for Class Work and Activities
Models of Population Interactions
Demographic Transition
Global Cycles & Physical Systems! (Check it out)
Global Cycles
Global Warming
The Hydrosphere