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......11/12/00......Please visit a new lines and bars site, I just finished with the Bannerz~R~Us crew....54 pages, all on "powerlines" below....and of course visit Bannerz~R~Us below that..........mojo ............

Always reload page for updates
This site was named Angelfires Site of the Day
for 1/16/00

   Although this site was built with webtv, I have a pc, and I
beta test everything on i.e., and netscape, so most of my site is browser compatiable..However, pc users will need to download the WEBTV VIEWER to see the new mojo's space gifs, properly

I've done alot of work in searching out the best tools on the web to optimize your web-page. I will give you links to several sites where you can find the best graphic's, the best graphic-making and graphic-altering rooms, backgrounds, color charts and midi files. I hope this all-in-page will save you time and effort, so you won't have to search these things out individually........... First, I'd like to give you a few of my favorite thumbnailed examples of what you can do and find at these sites. To my knowledge all these images are public domain. If they are not, let me know and i will take them down, soonest.

Click on a link below and it will take you to a preview page that I made for the site. My preview pages will consist of thumbnailed examples of the best the site has to offer or tutorials on how to use the site...If you like what you see, click on the sites link button and go directly to the site ...Please use pager below for any comments on my site...If I overlooked any great sites, tell me and if I preview the site, I'll give you a mention...ENJOY...

for Portland, Oregon Forecast


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Pic of the moment
Page of the moment
Site of the moment

~A native american site, built by ginger and mojo~

Site of the month (January 2001)
Banner Boulevard (for outstanding banners)

Site of beauty award

Best Graphics Sites (Previews)

LADY OH'S...simply the best
JILLS CYBERDELIC...a strong second
YAMS...small but original
no review..just..GREAT BACKS
SPAAR GRAPHICS...weird,strange,odd...totally cool!!!
Bogie's Place....amazing...huge site potential
SthrnGuy's Graphic's & review..just gif & bg
samps..a kick-ass site

My Sites

Mojo's Gallery (free gifs and backgrounds)
Mojo's Wood Shoppe (frame your pictures)
Mojo's Space Gifs (transparent images) Brand New!!!
My Webrings
My Awards
My Links

Best Web Tool Sites

Color Page (links to the best color charts + tutorial)
Image Magick tutorial (learn how to chop and decorate)
Best Graphic Making Sites
Prototype TV (direct link) a must see!!!
Mandrakes Source Viewer (the best one i've seen)
The Living Earth (see the earth, right now, from a statellite
Table Wizard (great new tool for making tables)