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Welcome to my den!

Moon-dog of my soul.

Teaching us how to know.

A Wolfy Welcome to you!

Mar 13, 2001

Oh how the days and months fly! Mid-March already, can you believe it? I know it's been a LONG time since my last post, I just haven't felt inclined to write anything, but was suddeny kicked back into action. The newest post is a little blurb on my view of the world and it's belief structure, it's a little philosophical so you'll have to pardon me for being a little intense. Anyway, there should be another post soon, I'm working on writing up meditation techniques. But for now, this'll havta do ;-)

Jan 5, 2001

Welcome to the new year and the new millenium! The turning of this past calender is a reminder to us all that we control our future, that no matter what the past has held, we lead ouselves into the new millenium with hope and promise. In this light, I wish to present to you a tale sent to me by one of our clan sisters. It is, of course, with the other links at the bottom of the page, and if I may say so, a definite must read!!!!

Oct 20, 2000

I apologize for the lack of a post recently, life has taken an extremelt hectic turn, as it is wont to do closer to the holidays. However, I have had a new enlightenment that I wish to share, so now I am back. I have removed many of what I call my pre-post posts (lol, translated - news) and will be placing them on a seperate page if anyone REALLY wants to read them. In the meantime, have a wonderful halloween, and i'll see you in the shadows!

Sep 10, 2000

To all my clan brothers and sisters that have offered up their kind words, I humbly give you my thanks. It is wonderful to know that what I've placed here can mean so much to everyone. It is definitely a motivation to continue. Once more, thank you, and may you always find that which you seek. For now it is time to post yet another meeting with Wolf, a lesson that I feel is important to everyone. Once more thank you from the deepest depths of my heart, and I am proud to call you my brothers and sisters.

July 23, 2000
If you couldn't tell by now, this site will be dedicated to Wolf and those that walk the spiritual path of the animals. For those that are curious, I invite you in. To teach is Wolf's way, and if I can help you to learn that which you need to know, I am pleased.

For any who seek to criticize or put down those of us that walk this beautiful path, or to discourage anyone from seeking a path different from theirs I say,
"Open your heart and soul, for there are greater beauties in life than you can yet imagine. And if you try to hurt me and mine, you will discover the true nature of Wolf!"

Currently there are few posts, but more are on their way. I have obtained many magnificent images and sounds, and will be putting them up soon. As soon as I get around to writing them, there will be articles on exercises, and of course links to some very wonderful sites.

Also I am offering readings to any interested, but please only serious requests. If you wish to know next weeks lottery numbers, call the Psychic Hotline.

And, of course, any questions or comments, you can e-mail me with the link at the bottom. I will be happy to respond.

Walk in Light, Hunt in Shadow

Take a moment to read the story of how I found Wolf...

Read the lyrics to Metallica's Of Wolf and Man...I promise you'll get a chill...I do, every time.

Check out my Links to other great sites.

A link to a poem written while in the pit of despair called Lies
* WARNING * I was deep in the heart of my insanity when this was written. It is depressing and dark. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Ahh, here you may read a lesson that I learned while on a spiritual journey.

Here is SAPO's poem A must read!

A new post on Shamanism - what it is and our role in today's society.

Another lesson from wolf.

More Lessons from the other-world.

My enlightenment on the subject of greatness.

One of our sisters sent me her story. Don't miss it!

A lesson in tolerance.

Read the old news.

This Shamanism Web Circle site owned by Grey Wolf.

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