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Way back in late 1999, Rob, Ryan, and Bill of the defunct band AWOL-13 formed The Overdogs with a new enthusiasm for beer, fun, sex, mocking rednecks, and loud, fast Rock and Roll.
Since that year, The Overdogs have performed their rowdy rock show at bars, parks, community centers, pubs, front porches, an auto body shop, a police station/fire department, taverns, front yards, pool halls, skate parks, juke joints, a wedding party, a tire store, and other various dives and the occasional shit-hole, and they ALWAYS have a blast, no matter where the show is.
On December 31, 2000, the first album arrived. "If You Can't Say Anything Nice... Put It To Music!!" gathered the attention of an intrepid young reporter at The Jacket, the local High School newspaper, and the article he wrote made the band famous all over less than one half of the school. The reporter did write in his article that Bill the drummer should never sing. Good advice that the band completely ignored.
The next year and a half after the first album arrived was a blur of fun, wild, beer soaked gigs. The Overdogs' one and only performance at the Springfield Skate Park landed them in the Springfield Newsleader, enshrouded in a foul-language controversy, which made them very popular with people who cuss a lot, like sailors, bikers, and heavily tattooed women.
On August 20, 2002, the second full-length album, "Drink A Lot Of Beer" arrived. Another dose of drunken punk. Then, it was back to to more beer soaked gigs in support of the two albums.
Next came the EP entitled, "Sorry About Your Bathroom" in the fall of 2003. It was recorded in Joplin. The Overdogs love Joplin. It's a bitchin' town.
In September of 2004, The Overdogs teamed up with ZERO YOUTH RECORDS to release another full length album. "LIVE AT REVEAL" is nineteen of The Overdogs' favorite songs to perform at the shows. It can be ordered on the ZERO YOUTH RECORDS website, or purchased at the skate shop in Lebanon. Today, The Overdogs are celebrating their newest album "PAWNSHOP MASTERPIECE" and honing their skills as the best-drunk punk band to ever come out of Laclede County, Misery.

All Art and Design created for this Webpage is © Gerry Kissell, 2002 The name and logo for the OverDogs is the sole property of The OverDogs.