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Elizabeth Robbins

MO Rep Credits: Carol (Laughter On The 23rd Floor)
                Mae Pollitt (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)
                Octavia (Anthony & Cleopatra)
                Regan (King Lear)
                Melissa (Love Letters)
                Laura (The Glass Menagerie)

Other Credits: HASF:  Rosiland (As You Like It)
                      Regan (King Lear)
                      Isabella (Measure For Measure)
		      Jacquenetta (Love's Labour's Lost)
		                         Lady Macduff, Witch (Macbeth)
		                         Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing)
               The Unicorn:  Molly (Molly Sweeney)
		             Pfeni (The Sisters Rosensweig)
		             Sally (Lips Together, Teeth Apart)
		             Estragon (Waiting For Gadot)
American Heartland Theatre:  Mary Detweiler (How the Other Half Loves)
		             Kate (The Foreigner)


(left to right) Corin (Robert Dillon), Audrey (Cinnamon Schultz), Touchstone (Walter Coppage), andRosiland (Elizabeth) eaves dropping on Celia from behind nearby trees.

Rosalind as a boy teaching Orlando (Chad Scheppner) about love.

Elizabeth (center witch) communing with her fellow witches in Macbeth.

Beatrice being courted by Benedick (John Rensenhouse) in Much Ado About Nothing.

Beatrice and Benedick exchanging love letters while Don Pedro looks on.

My Thoughts

I've seen Elizabeth in six Shakespeare plays, one comedic role, and on one breast cancer awareness commercial. She can definitely do Shakespeare; she has a wonderful comic flare; and she is well befriended by the camera. She seems to be able to put her finger on the heart of her character and make the character's motivations her own. I was greatly moved by her portrayal of Isabella in Measure For Measure. How a woman could find it in her heart to beg (literally on her knees) for the life of the very man that ordered the death of her brother is more than I could imagine, yet she made it so believable. And I must mention, I have never seen such an amazingly graphic live throat-slitting as was performed on her in the HASF's Macbeth. I eagerly await her next role.