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Ted Swetz

MO Rep Credits: Judge (Inherit the Wind)
		Max Prince (Laughter On the 23rd Floor)
		Gloucester (King Lear)
		Ben Franklin (Whisper in the Mind)
		Argan (Imaginary Invalid)

Directing:   MO Rep: The Comedy of Errors
		     Shorts Festival (at JCCC)
	The Unicorn: All In The Timing

Assistant Artistic Director for American Players Theater in NY
     (a Tony-nominated classical repertory company)


Ted as Argan in the Rep's Imaginary Invalid with Martha Kelly Bates.

Max being restrained by 3 men from Ira (Charles Goad) in Laughter On the 23rd Floor.

Ted instructing one of his classes at UMKC.

My Thoughts

There are few people I have total respect for in a number of social roles. Ted is one of these few; he is a serious actor, comedic actor, director, teacher, and good human being. He has so much talent not only within himself but also in sharing his knowledge and experience with others. Just one example, Ted was the core of Laughter on the 23rd Floor. Without him, the show would not have had the vitality it did no matter how talented the rest of the cast might have been (and believe me, they were talented). I may praise many actors in my webpage, but if any is truly deserving, it is Ted. Thanks for all your enlightenment and joy.