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Welcome to Daisy's Designs...part of Daisy's Universe!

Welcome to Daisy's Designs!

Welcome to Daisy's Designs...part of Daisy's Universe. All of these images are for personal pages only, and their all FREE. I don't charge for computer images. I don't see the purpose to sell images. If you do take an image from this site, I ask for one favor...take this logo and give me some credit, please! Put it on the page to where you have the logo placed. Thank you! Daisy & Precious.

What beautiful sets, come here to pick some out.
Welcome Logos
These welcome logos are for purrrsonal use only, please use wisely.
A variety of borders to choose from, from ice borders, to leopard skin.

Daisy's Designs newest
addition. We now have six
backgrounds to choose from.
Backgrounds 2
Here is a collection of our very first backgrounds when Daiys's Universe first started.
Bordered Backgrounds
Here is a collection of bordered backgrounds when Daisy's Universe first started.

Thank you for visiting Daisy's Designs!
Questions, Comments, or Concerns, please contact Laura aka Daisy.
Copyright © 2000-2003 Daisy's Designs. All Rights Reserved.
This page was last updated on July 17, 2003 @ 05:36pm, Central Standard Time.

Background from Graphic