Where do Heartworms come from?
Heartworms are carried by mosquitos that have bitten infected dogs.
Where are heartworms found?
All over the world. In the United States they were once found only in the South and Southeast regions. Some people still believe this is so, however, there have been documented cases in all states now. Unfortunately, those under still believing they are only found in the South, find out the hard way they are everywhere mosquitos go.
What can heartworms do to my dog?
The adult heartworm lives in the heart and large adjacent blood vessels. They clog the blood vessels and interfere with the pumping action of the heart. This decreases the blood flow to other vital organs (kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.). This causes those organs to fail.
What are the symptoms of heartworm infestation?
Most dogs will not show symptoms for 2-3 years and unfortunately by that time the disease is very advanced. The symptoms depend on just how advanced the disease is but some of the symptoms can be: a dry chronic hacky cough, shortness of breath, lethargy, loss of stamina. Most symptoms are seen after exercise. When cases are real advanced the dog could have congestive heart failure or fluid in the abdomen causing the stomach to be distended. There will be weight loss and anemia.
What is the treatment for heartworms?
There are two days of injections that will kill the adult worms over a period of 30 days. It is essential that the dog is kept quiet during this period of time. The worms are breaking off and can cause inflammation and before they decompose can clog blood vessels even more than before. These injections which are derivatives of arsenic and only kill the adult worms. After 30 days your dog will need to be retested for the presence of microfilia and treated for those if present. Then 4-6 months post treatment the dog should be tested for adult worms again.
It is relatively simple to protect your dog from heartworms and takes just a little time on your part. First an adult dog should never be put on preventative without being tested first. Puppies should be started on preventative at 8 weeks of age. Some people do not get their dogs rechecked every year if they are on preventative all year round, however, can you guarantee that you did not miss a dose? Besides even though the medications are 95% effective, nothing is full proof. It is better to be safe than sorry.
There are many different choices in Heartworm preventative these days. Talk to your vet about which would be best for you and your dog but please talk to your vet and keep your dog protected.
Heartworm Preventatives
Which is Best for Your Dog