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One Eyed Muskrat

Scientific Classification: Muskrats are in the famlily Cricetidae, and the subfamily Microtinae. They are Genus Ondatra, species Zibethica.

Muskrat is a large member of the rodent family. It gets its name from the strong, musk like odor which it gives off. Most muskrats are a foot long and have a nearly hairless tail of eight inches long. Their plump thick bodoes are covered with an undercoat of thick, soft fur, which has an outercoat of long, shiny hairs. Muskrats feel very much at home in water. They swim and dive well, and eat the roots, stems, and leaves of water plants. Sometimes they eat fruits and vegatables which they find near their homes. They may also eat insects, worms, and shellfish.

A month ago, Dustin and I went to Bennett Springs to hang out and take some pictures. It was the first day in like a month we both had off at the same time. We were just walking down this trail and came across the muskrat standing on top of this rock dam. We started to chase it as it noticed us and went downstream. We wanted to take a few pictures of it and then let it be. It finnally stopped at its home under some tree by the waters edge. I went through some brush to get to it as it was hiding. When I got there it went out and went across the river and started to eat. We went around the river and spring and got to it and for some reason it was acting as if we werent there. We got alot of great pictures of it while it was eating. Eventually I got within a few feet of it and it still didnt bother him. I got the nerve to actually touch him and he let me. We got some pics of us petting him. We noticed that one of his eyes didnt look right. As if it was attacked by something. But by the way it was eating and looked otherwise, he was healthy.. After spending some time with it for over an hour we left him in peace.. I want to go back hopefully sometime at the first of the year to see how he is doing. He made his home litterally at the busiest fishing area of the park. Hopefully they either remove him to a safer location farther downstream or the fishermen leave him alone when fishing season comes around.

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All photographs used on this site, The Local Ozarkian, are the property of Jonathan Sharp.
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