Located in the Lake of the Ozarks State Park, Ozark Caverns is a nonlit cave you have
to experience. Before the tour they hand everyone a lit lantern to carry through the tour of the cave. The first formation
you come across is named "Angel Showers", a neverending shower of water that comes from the rock above. Midway through the
tour you will see a wall of clay with claw marks from a bear a couple of centuries ago. You will find throughout the cave if your lucky
four species of bats, salamanders, and sixteen species invertebrates, that except for three species of bats, lives in the caves
throughout the year. Towards the back end of the cave, the tour guide will show you a formation that has peoples signitures
on it from the 1800's. Outside of the cave is a information center with a museum of artifacts and info of Missouri caves and state
parks. You can also purchase books on Missouri caves, animals, and plants which are available.
Ozark Caverns
- All pictures were taken in July of 2004 with my girlfriend.