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* Located Near Columbia MO. *

Rock Bridge Information

Park Map
Cave Tours

Information and Facts

Rock Bridge State Park is a park of 2273 acres full of many caves, sinkholes, underground streams and small springs. The rock bridge, one of the most popular features in the park, was seperated from the rest of the cave system when a portion of the cave ceiling collasped. In the 1800's, a stone dam was built at the rock bridge to take advantage of the water for their mill. The first papermill west of the Mississippi River was operating at the site in 1834 followed by a whiskey distillery in 1847. For many years the natural bridge was a meeting place of the area during the hot summer months because of its natural wonders and cool air. It is also a place of where people did plays, political rallies, dances, and family reunions. The Devils Icebox is a double sinkhole that offers a view of the underground stream. The cave of the Devils Icebox is a completly mapped passage of more than seven miles. Wildlife in the cave includes grey bats, pink planarians (a species of flatworm), the eastern pipistrelle, and the dark sided salamander. Tours of the icebox is closed except for those registered in advanced in September, October, and April. Conners Cave, downstream, can be explored at any time. Park staffs lead tours of Icebox boardwalk and Conners Cave for groups who make advanced reservations. There are picnic sites throughout the park as well as a reservable picnic shelter and playground equipment.

Rock Bridge Memorial Trails

- Devils Icebox Trail ( 1/2 Miles) - A complete boardwalk trail that takes you under and on top of the natural bridge. It also takes you to Connors Spring and the Devils Icebox Cave.
- Spring Brook Trail ( 2 1/2 Miles) - Brings you through woods, old fields and along small streams.
- Sinkhole Trail ( 1 1/2 Miles) - Takes you through woods, old fields of sinkholes and 2 concrete silos.
- High Ridge Trail ( 2 1/2 Miles) - You climb a hill top and follow a ridge before descending down to Clear Creek.
- Grassland Trail ( 2 Miles) - Planted native grass fields with sinkholes.
- Karst Trail ( 1 3/4 Miles) - Is a flat field with planted native grasses and natural sinkhole depressions.
- Deer Run Trail ( 2 1/2 Miles) - Takes you through wooded areas and then descends to the flat bottomlands and runs along the Little Donne Femme Creek.
- Paxton Passage ( 1/2 Miles) - Takes you on a strip of land donated by Richard Paxton.

Natural Bridge and the dam that was built in the early 1800's.

The Devils Icebox.

Boardwalk leading down to the Icebox Cave and an old cabin.

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All photographs used on this site, The Local Ozarkian, are the property of Jonathan Sharp.
You may use, or copy these pictures if only you say you have gotten them from The Local Ozarkian.
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