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Programming Work In Progress


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I have begun work on a fairly small project to create a program that will display subliminal messages on the screen. The main focus of this program is to help me quit smoking, but its applications are numerous.
I have the main settings routines written. Just need to get the message selection done and then the actual displaying of the messages.

The initial coding is finished. I think I have deleted all of the bugs that managed to creep in. I must say though, only one was mine. Most were due to a control I used to gain a transparent form. I finally decided to do without the control and code it myself. If this program was only going to be used on a 2000 or XP system, it would not have been a problem, I could have used the transparent form feature built into the operating system. Unfortunately, the program will also be running on a Windows 98 system, so I had to create the transparent effect manually.
Here is a screen shot of the main settings screen (I need to change the title of this window on the caption bar).

Here is a link to the current version of the program. Unfortunately, I have not yet written any help or read me files. They will be along soon.

Get Subliminal Messaging here

14/9/03 - Additional
Quick update...I have now changed the caption to read "Subliminal Messaging". I have also changed the smallest interval between the messages to be 5 seconds. I felt that 1 or 2 seconds was a bit quick. The link above points to the new version.