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its just me, sadly


name: shy

age: 17
grade: 11th
class: anti-social/lacto vegan/snowboarder(im learning)/a weird goth type person.....yea thats right i am a goth, i love the color black. you should see me in my make up, black rules
status: i am taken, and PROUD OF IT (if you knew me then you would get that)
job status: i am a student, whose a poet that wants to be a chef and its a trying job to do school and everything else

my life:
well i blog and live to dream in black and white, not in the hues of blue, hues of red, saddness and death. only these words are spoken never said with the heart or pure of mind, only this soul holds the words of the truth and the words that dare state the world's glory and its phases that would change the mind state of everyone's mind.
Favorite band(s):
Afi, linkin park, ses, sum41, and a lot more

art poetry
pictures quotes
bio links
reviews articles