

OWL & NEWT Rubric


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Welcome to N.E.W.T.s!

N.E.W.T.’s is a website created for the sole purpose of reviewing Harry Potter fan fiction, helping authors to improve their stories, and promoting quality writing to the public at large.

As for N.E.W.T.’s review team? 

We are authors, readers, and lovers of Harry Potter fan fiction.  We devote hours to not only writing out own stories but reading those of others.

In short, we’re your typical Harry Potter fans with too much time on our hands and a B average or higher in English most likely.

The mission of the N.E.W.T. review team is to attempt to read and review all fan fiction in an unbiased and analytical manner.  We weigh how creative and well-constructed a story and its characters are (Originality), what the appeal of the story is and the talent of the author (Writing), and how sound the grammatical structure of the story is as well as the diversity in vocabulary (Language).

These three sections are known as the O.W.L.s. Every reviewer uses these sections to access how good or bad a story is.  These sections, when combined together, contribute to the N.E.W.T.'s score that determines how highly a story is recommended on this site.  Please visit the O.W.L.’s and N.E.W.T.’s Rubric for more information.

In short, our only objective is to provide a well-composed referral for those looking for quality Harry Potter fan fiction.   As such on this site we will have stories that receive both positive and negative N.E.W.T. ratings.

After all, it wouldn’t be a Harry Potter fanon review site if the only fan fiction we bothered to mention were the outstanding ones.

In general the purpose of the N.E.W.T. review team is to:

bulletTo provide a service that recommends quality Harry Potter fan fiction to avid readers.
bulletTo promote talented Harry Potter fan fiction authors and help them to gain more notoriety for their stories.
bulletTo offer constructive criticism to authors so they can further improve upon their writing.

The official stance of Nominally Examining Writing Talents is that we try to give every story a fair shake (which is why we try to have multiple reviews with thoroughly analyzed studies of the stories) so we can provide very constructive criticism when it’s required.

The unofficial stance taken by certain reviewer on this site (i.e. all of them) is that we’re just volunteer reviewers providing a service to the general public of Harry Potter fanon and it’s not our fault if you have room to grow as an author still.

For those who feel that their story has received an unfair review feel free to contact the N.E.W.T. review team and we might just reevaluate your story’s review.  Fair warning though- if the long and short of your argument includes something to the effect of…

bullet“This is my first fan fiction.”
bullet“It’s not my fault if you can’t appreciate the subtle complexities of my plot.”
bullet“I’ll have you know my American transfer student who is part-Veela with Death Eater parents who has psychic powers is a VERY ORIGINAL CHARACTER!”
bullet“Me no good at inglish, but that’s unpossible!”
bullet“You guys suck for not liking my story!”

...don’t anticipate much sympathy.


Disclaimer: N.E.W.T.’s is a volunteer organization that is in no way affiliated with J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Bros. Entertainment, or any other company associated with the Harry Potter series.  No one involved with N.E.W.T.’s is receiving financial endorsement for the time and opinions expressed within these pages nor is anyone concerned with this website expectant of such. 
We formally acknowledge that we are in no way entitled ownership of the Harry Potter franchise and provide this service merely for the sake of entertainment.