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Katherine's Profile

Name: Katherine

Age:  15

Writing Experience: Honestly, I don't have much of a writing history. I have written a few pieces, but I have never let anyone read them. I enjoy reading stories more than writing them. I do, however, have many ideas for fanfiction; it¹s just a matter of getting them on paper.

N.E.W.T.¹s Position: Part-time

Willing to Review: Lily/James, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, and Draco/Ginny

Personal Links:

Live Journal:

Additional Info: I love art and plan on majoring in Graphic Design. Everything else about me isn't worth mentioning.


Disclaimer: N.E.W.T.’s is a volunteer organization that is in no way affiliated with J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Bros. Entertainment, or any other company associated with the Harry Potter series.  No one involved with N.E.W.T.’s is receiving financial endorsement for the time and opinions expressed within these pages nor is anyone concerned with this website expectant of such. 
We formally acknowledge that we are in no way entitled ownership of the Harry Potter franchise and provide this service merely for the sake of entertainment.