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Oy! Angelina’s Profile

Name:  Oy! Angelina (or Oy! Angie if you feel that fondly of me)

Age:  21

Writing Experience:
“Pensieve” is my one and only effort at serious Harry Potter fanon.  If you’ve read it you’ll know why it tends to take up much of my time.  I’ve also done “Snogwart: A Parody” which makes fun of Harry Potter fan fiction in general as well as “Allocations” that acts as a supplement to the “Pensieve” storyline.  I’m also a Mod. at Portkey.org.

I’ve received First Runner-Up for “Best Three-Page Play” in the Northern Illinois University theater department Markle Playwright Competition, maintain an A-average in composition (although my grammar/spelling leaves much to be desired), and am currently working on an original novel which I have 100 pages completed and hope will be completed by 2004.

N.E.W.T.’s Position:
Full-Time review and co-creator of N.E.W.T.’s (Zetta does the hard html labor, I’m just the idea person)

Willing to Read:
Lily/James fics, MWPP fics, Lily/Snape, and Draco/Hermione almost always, and Harry/Hermione, and Parody on occasion.

Personal Links:
My Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/oyangelina@sbcglobal.net

Pensieve Member’s group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pensieve_group/

Additional Info:
I’m a sociology major going for a minor in History and Japanese.  I’m in the fencing club of my university and write in my spare time.  I have reasonable standards of writing when I do my reviews but can be positively rabid if I think the writer made a consistent error that they could have avoided.


Disclaimer: N.E.W.T.’s is a volunteer organization that is in no way affiliated with J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Bros. Entertainment, or any other company associated with the Harry Potter series.  No one involved with N.E.W.T.’s is receiving financial endorsement for the time and opinions expressed within these pages nor is anyone concerned with this website expectant of such. 
We formally acknowledge that we are in no way entitled ownership of the Harry Potter franchise and provide this service merely for the sake of entertainment.