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Zetta's Profile

Name: Zetta

Age:  19

Writing Experience:
I've done a few in the Harry Potter fandom, such as "Winding Path", "One Sweet Day", and a few in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom as well. 

I've 4.0-ed all of my English classes since my Junior year of High school, and peer edit for fun for my friends and family.

N.E.W.T.’s Position:
Part-Time Reviewer, full time HTML-chica.  If there's a problem with the site, see me.  If it's content related... well, I hand you off to Oy! Angie or point you to the messageboards... ;o)

Willing to Review:
Lily/James, most MWPP-era fanfics, some McGonagall fics, some time travel fics, and some Lily/James come back to life fics.

Personal Links:
FF.net Profile: Home to all of Zetta's MWPP fanfiction.

The Chalkboard: A MWPP themed site with fanfiction.

The B/A Kiss: A Buffy/Angel Clique.

Zetta's Buffy World: Zetta's first website, a Buffy/Angel fanfiction site.

Additional Info:
I'm attending a community college that's close to home, and I'm going to be an English Major if I ever get through it. 

I've designed seven websites that have or soon will see the internet, and revamped several of them at least a dozen times, and have suffered every HTML problem you can imagine- and then a few more.

I read Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, romance novels, Star Wars books, HTML books, and anything about the UK, specifically medieval days.

I also draw (badly), sing (worse), and listen to music.  (I've got good taste in music.)

A few things about my reviews:

1.) I'd prefer to speak bluntly - I'm not going to candy-coat my words.

2.) I don't believe there is a such thing as a perfect story.  I'm going to find something wrong with every story even if I end up having to nit-pick.  If you could write a perfect story, you would be making millions of dollars as a published author, not zero dollars as a fanfic author.  So don't be surprised when you lose points for stupid things.

3.) I don't like hurting people's feelings, but I'm sick of reading crappy stories.  I'm not going to tell you to never write again, but I may tell you to work a lot harder before you pick up a pen again. 

4.) I'm a hypocrite.  Things I'll take points off in your stories, I've done in mine too.  So get revenge and offer up a review of some of my stories- I won't complain, and if it's a good enough review, maybe we'll post it up here.

5.) I am going to try very hard to point out both the good and the bad in my reviews- and it's not always easy to do so. 

I welcome all flames- zettazofia@yahoo.com - if you don't like what I wrote and feel I deserve a flame, roast me, toast me, and make me a marshmallow.


Disclaimer: N.E.W.T.’s is a volunteer organization that is in no way affiliated with J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Bros. Entertainment, or any other company associated with the Harry Potter series.  No one involved with N.E.W.T.’s is receiving financial endorsement for the time and opinions expressed within these pages nor is anyone concerned with this website expectant of such. 
We formally acknowledge that we are in no way entitled ownership of the Harry Potter franchise and provide this service merely for the sake of entertainment.