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My Bio

(age 3 at the time of pic. He is now 7 years old)
and Me

This Page is just a quick overview of my life as it is right now. My name is Lyzz and I am a student at TEC in Columbus, Ohio. I am 23 years old and I have 3 children. There ages are 7 years old, 4 years old and 1 year old. The "Boys", as I normally call them, are great. Also I am pregnant right now with my four child. My fiancé and I are very excited to be expecting again. We are planning to get married on August 12, 2003.

The reason I did this web site on parks, is because my family loves to take the children to them. It is a great and inexpensive way to just be able to enjoy quality time together. The parks that I chose have a lot more things to do than many people might have known about. They offer a lot of activities and programs that are free of charge. Plus, you get to learn more about the environment and the animals in the parks. You get to see how everything works together and how wonderful the sights and sounds really are. It is such a relaxing thing to do on the weekends. I hope you enjoy my web site and maybe even decide to get out of the house for awhile to enjoy nature at its best.

(age 22 Months)
Nick (age 4)