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FANFICTION by MorningStar



Next Victims Found
Written by MorningStar. Additional parts and editing by BuddhaFrog. Other editing by Holli.

(WARNINGS: PG-13, for some little gore and insults...but hey, sorry kids, no lemon!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka; hints of Tatsumi x Watari.)

Premise: A new mysterious case has surfaced for Tsuzuki and Hisoka...people die but then come back to life...candles in the Castle of Candles relight themselves, but are then dimmer. What is the source of these strange happenings? And why are Tsuzuki and Hisoka pretending to be cops?

The Investigation Begins
Written by MorningStar. Additional parts and editing by BuddhaFrog. Other editing by Holli.

(WARNINGS: no lemon! Story dude, story!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: Tsuzuki and Hisoka start to get down to business about the case. But, Tsuzuki is more than a little worried about Hisoka's condition after the incidenet of their first exploration of the case.

Too Many Emotions
Written by MorningStar. Editing by Holli and BuddhaFrog .

(WARNINGS: Story, story, story!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: Tsuzuki and Hisoka visit the family of one of the victims from their case.

Hatoyama Returns
Written by MorningStar. Editing by Holli and BuddhaFrog .

(WARNINGS: NC-17; One of the best lemons I've ever read! LEMON, LEMON, LEMON!!!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: Tsuzuki continues to investigate their current case while Hisoka recovers from empathy overload. Hatoyama shows up again, demanding that Tsuzuki let her accompany him at his next visit to victims. Meanwhile, Hisoka still can't shake off his feelings of vulnerability.

One Step Closer
Written by MorningStar. Editing by Holli and BuddhaFrog .

(WARNINGS: PG-13; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: The investigation continues as Tsuzuki and Hisoka examine what seems to be evidence of a demon.

Written by MorningStar. Editing by Holli and BuddhaFrog .

(WARNINGS: Nothing actually, it's rather PG this chapter; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: The pieces are finally falling into place as Tsuzuki and Hisoka get closer to the culprit of the body resurrections.

Written by MorningStar. Editing by Holli and BuddhaFrog .

(WARNINGS: NC-17 lemon and unhappy thoughts!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: It seems like the culprit has been found. But later, Tsuzuki is having bizarre thoughts, and Hisoka doesn't know what's wrong.

Tsuzuki's Madness
Written by MorningStar. Editing by Holli.

(WARNINGS: PG, PG-13-ish (?) Unhappy stuff!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: Tsuzuki wakes up to disaster and doesn't even know it...but not for long.

On My Mind
(SUBTITLE: Get Spock x Kirk and Buffy x Willow in black corsets out of my head!) LOL
Written by MorningStar. Additional parts and editing by Holli. Additional commentary and annoyance by BuddhaFrog.
(WARNINGS: NC-17 lemon; completely PWP smutfic...for now. HEH, HEH, HEH...SWEET!;Hisoka x Tsuzuki...YES, YOU READ IT RIGHT! WOOT!)

Premise: Lust and teens are always a fun combination! Yay! I love stars....

On My Mind 2: In the Break-Room
Written by MorningStar. Additional parts and editing by Holli.
(WARNINGS: NC-17 lemon; completely PWP smutfic again! Hoo-Ray!!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: So, was there a reason for Hisoka's behavior? And is it over yet? I love yogurt! *hearts*

(SUBTITLE: My fucking shins hurt!) LOL
Original concept by BuddhaFrog and Holli. Written by MorningStar. Additional parts and editing by Holli and BuddhaFrog.
(WARNINGS: Unadulterated LEMON...okay, lime... Warnings for sex, language and fun! Pweh! :P We're going to burn in Hell, kids!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka and Tatsumi x Watari.)

Premise: What the title says, you human bags of glee! Plus alcohol and kinky funtimes!




YAMI NO MATSUEI, DESCENDANT OF THE DARK, DESCENDANTS OF DARKNESS, and all related ideas and characters © 1996-2003 Yoko Matushita and respective companies. All other formats, ideas, art and information © 2003 Holly Lyons and associates. This is a fan creation and a non-profit website.