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YAY!!! Fan fiction!

WARNING: CAREFUL WHERE YOU TREAD! More often than not, the fics here will have NC-17 ratings! The ratings are for violence, language, and sexual situations! SO BEWARE! PLEASE READ ACCORDING TO YOUR AGE AND THE WARNINGS LISTED!

[SUBTITLE: "Oh Yoshimi, but you won't let those robots eat me!" ...I need sleep]

Nightlife Wanderings
Written by Holli. (WARNINGS: Pretty much PG. Nothing really bad...yet. Just some really stupid concepts on Holli's part. Expect the rating to probably increase in future chapters; Tsuzuki & Hisoka pairing)

Premise: After a finished mission, Hisoka decides to check out the sites of a small town while his partner sleeps off his latest drinking escapade. He ends up finding himself in one of the oddest and creepiest places to be at night...and he is not alone. His encounter with a stranger leaves things...different.

[SUBTITLE: Yes, I do have a fanart by the same title, which more or less can be associated with this fic. It's up to your discretion! Maybe it will have to do with the fic later! I don't know! I couldn't think of a better title!]

Paralyzed Emotions
Written by Holli. (WARNINGS: Angst. A WHOLE FREAKIN' HEAP OF ANGST! PG for now, but not forever; Tsuzuki x Hisoka)

Premise: After the soul shaking events of Kyoto, Tsuzuki and Hisoka must find new meaning for their afterlife existence, and come to terms with whether their relationship is truly more than just partners and friends.

Bittersweet Determination
Written by Holli. Editing by BuddhaFrog and MorningStar. (WARNINGS: Yay! More Angst! Wooh! I’m sorry! And still PG!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka).

Premise: Tsuzuki also takes time to reflect on his relationship with Hisoka.

Painfully Beautiful
Written by Holli. Editing by BuddhaFrog and MorningStar. (WARNINGS: Tsuzuki x Hisoka angst out the ass!)

Premise: Minor misunderstandings can be devastating.

Desperate Hearts
Written by Holli. Editing by BuddhaFrog and MorningStar. (WARNINGS: PG-13 Tsuzuki x Hisoka; Queen Bitch Mother of Angst!)

Premise: Tsuzuki and Hisoka fight their own emotions and desires, after Hisoka's emotional outburst, as well as thinking about each other.

Strong Together
Written by Holli. Editing by MorningStar. (WARNINGS: R for abrasive, disturbing imagery (not the fluffy or hot kind), verges on being lemon; Tsuzuki x Hisoka; angst. AND A LOT OF SAP. There are some spoilers if you haven't seen/read Yami no Matsuei's King of Swords story most specifically (anime episodes 7-9, and all of manga volume 3). There are references to things only seen in the manga in case you're wondering.)

Premise: Tsuzuki and Hisoka have overcome their biggest emotional barriers to be together. But, Hisoka is having self doubts about how reliable he can be for Tsuzuki.

Not Fragile
Written by Holli. Editing by MorningStar. (WARNINGS: R to NC-17 for LIME! Hot and dirty kind!; Tsuzuki x Hisoka; angst. Painful, get-over-it kind of angst!)

Premise: Tsuzuki and Hisoka have worked out their problems and hang-ups...or at least it seems. Now both are worried about taking those tenative first steps towards physical intimacy.

Other Author Fics

MorningStar's fanfiction

Team Effort Fics

BuddhaFrog & MorningStar

MorningStar & Holli



YAMI NO MATSUEI, DESCENDANT OF THE DARK, DESCENDANTS OF DARKNESS, and all related ideas and characters © 1996-2004 Yoko Matushita and respective companies. All other formats, ideas, art and information © 2003 Holly Lyons and associates. This is a fan creation and a non-profit website.